The director of a Colombian school has communicated the new rules that will govern her institution in 2023 and has sparked controversy.
Olga Narvaezteacher and director of Misael Pastrana Borrerobased in Rivera, Huila, took advantage of a general meeting of parents to signal the restrictive measures that will be considered in the new school year.
The announcement appears in a viral video circulating on Twitter a few days ago. There Narváez is heard talking about the school’s decision and then a group of parents celebrating them.
Narváez said that in 2023 “loss of the year is totally prohibited, the meeting of love stories, courtship. Bring any type of tech equipment, no cell phone. Students with caps (caps), with sweaters of all colours, with long or any colored hair, or with piercings or fine jewelery are not accepted,” according to Channel 1.
The prohibitions will be recorded in a coexistence manual so that anyone who wants to read them can do so.
On the other hand, the woman stressed that those parents who think their children will not be able to comply with the restrictions, or who simply do not agree with them, look for another institution.
“The students, the parents, who say about the free personality, is that the free personality is that I am a good person, not a person with that long purple, red and green hair,” Narváez said.
And he added: “A student who doesn’t accept the institution simply doesn’t work for him, you don’t enroll your child if he didn’t want to cut his hair, the institution doesn’t work for him. Take it to any other institution, but we will discipline your personal presentation”.
The reactions
As expected, the measures have opened debates in the networks. There were many people who didn’t agree with the measures, but the majority, at least on Twitter, supported them.
“The parent assembly applauded the measures, which means I agree,” lawyer Fernando Vargas said on Twitter.
A user named Freddy Vega, for his part, disagrees: “Well, it’s very sad for the students of the school and the disadvantage they will have compared to the rest.”
“I fully agree, the rules of a private institution must be respected and respected, and if you don’t like it, just look for another school,” said another person with a completely opposite look to the previous one.
Another agrees: “The free development of personality lies in the freedom parents have to choose the school where they want to see their children grow up. If a father wants to see his son become ragged, where he develops all of his personality, he can do it.
“How ridiculous. What does hair, a piercing or a colored jacket have to do with someone’s academic performance or social development? Just as some say they grew up with those rules and today they are “good people “, there are those who have broken them and we have done just as well”, denied a new user.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.