Pets are so much more than man’s best friend. In this 21st century, we know, they have become reality members of our families.
And this case proves it exactly. the small Charleigh River Shella girl raised with her canine brothers, five dogs of the German Shepherd breed they are called Koba, Meeka, Ryker, Kal and Brenna.
River was born on November 17, 2021 and since his arrival in the world he has shared everything with his family of dogs, reaching out on many occasions mimic some of your pets’ behaviors.
In this case, it was the mother who posted a video on the TikTok platform where we can see the little girl make gestures and behave in a curious and amusing way.
River, the girl who grew up among dogs
Growing up surrounded by pets brings multiple benefits to the little ones, who will learn from an early age to have a special respect for animals is one extra dose of affection.
In these days, Charleigh River has become one of the pack that he is part of his family and his parents wanted to show it through his TikTok account, @von.jakob.
They are their own parents to say so Little River’s first words they weren’t “mom” or “dad”, but the names of his five dogs.
In the video we see the little girl of only one year and two months walking towards four paws AND play with feeder and drinker of their dogs
“I should have called her Mowgli”the parents write in the description of the video, which quickly went viral on the platform.
“My daughter grew up with five dogs and sometimes I think so she thinks she is a dog“, reads the publication. The family of Little River also shows on Instagram how integrated your daughter is among her dog brothers.
The benefits of children growing up with dogs
In 2021, a group of researchers from the Department of Psychology of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) set out to scientifically verify the perception and experiences shared by many families with small children who live with a dog.
The main conclusion of the work was to have a dog at home enhances children’s social and emotional development.
Among other things, contact with dogs has been found to have “a significant association with socialization“, both in boys and girls, and that the differences between the two groups, those who live with dogs and those who do not, “are of great importance.
The results indicate that “contact with dogs has a significant association with children’s socialization“.
“The main differences between children who live with dogs and those who are not “expression of feelings” and the so-called “collaboration area”the authors indicated.
Furthermore, they concluded that dogs enhance children’s safety and self-confidence because pets don’t laugh at how they do it or if they get it wrong.
With information from La Vanguardia.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.