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They tried to rob a jewelry store with a toy gun, but the store owner pulled out a real one and killed them.

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Two young Colombians tried to rob a jewelry store with a toy gun, but the owner took out a real one and killed them. It happened around 20:00 on Tuesday in Donmatías, Antioquia.

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According to Prensa Paisa, thieves broke into the company demanding money, chains, diamonds and gold rings. They never expected the attendant to respond the way they did. Both were shot on the spot.

When the cops showed up at the scene, they discovered that the thugs were holding a fake gun. At that moment, the attacker showed them permission to carry a weapon, and his toy weapons and those of the thieves were confiscated.

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Police working at the jewelry store attacked.  Photo: @DenunciasAntioquia Twitter

Police working at the jewelry store attacked. Photo: @DenunciasAntioquia Twitter

The technical inspection was carried out by the staff of the basic criminal investigation unit of Santa Rosa, where the case was made available to the Attorney General.

The video of the burial of the two young dead published by @DenunciasAntioquia on Twitter shows a huge caravan of motorcycles.

Furthermore, in the last few hours it has been known that one of the young dead had tried to be an influencer and be successful on YouTube and that the other was his friend. His relatives said his friends led him astray.

He went to steal and got trapped in the fence

On Wednesday, residents of the El Zorzal neighborhood of Pontevedra, Merlo district, Buenos Aires, encountered an unusual scene: a thief trying to escape after a robbery it was left hanging on the fence of a house in the area.

The 48-year-old man had been frozen, in the act, in full flight from the house where he had just committed the theft. And he had a backpack with loot – a hair straightener and a radio tape recorder.

Prior to the botched escape, the burglar had a physical encounter with the homeowner which was triggered when he noticed there was an intruder in his home. The man ended up with small stab wounds in the leg, the Primer Plano Online page detailed.

The video of the thief trapped in the gate of the house has gone viral on social media.

Source: Clarin

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