“You’re black and a slave” American high school student who racist and mocked classmate (video)

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A white student in a red jacket taunts a black student by spraying black spray paint on them. Twitter capture

In the United States, a video in which white students sprayed black spray on the face of a black classmate and made racist remarks became a big controversy on social media. The relevant authorities launched an investigation.

According to CNN on the 13th (local time), St. Hubert Catholic Girls’ High School in Philadelphia, USA, launched a fact-finding investigation into three students who made racist remarks by spraying black spray on their classmates’ faces on the 7th.

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The incident was known as a video that spread on social media from the beginning of this month. She wears a red hood and sprays black spray on Miss B’s face, shouting, “You’re a black girl and a slave.” “It’s February,” she exclaimed, “you have to do my laundry.” He lowered her head, grabbed her avoiding Miss B’s hair, and sprayed her face. Two other students are filming the scene laughing out loud.

Afterward, Miss B shouted, “I’m proud to be black,” with black paint on her face. The students who filmed it directly shared the video and photos on social media and left a message saying ‘Celebrate Black History Month’.

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A white student in a red jacket taunts a black student by spraying it with black spray paint.  Twitter captureA white student in a red jacket taunts a black student by spraying it with black spray paint. Twitter capture

Netizens who saw the video commented, “This is not insulting. It should be given life imprisonment”, “This is clear racism”, “I hope you pay the price you deserve”, etc. Some parents even protested in front of the high school.

Eventually, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, schools, and the Office of Education launched a fact-finding investigation. “These students have touched a social wound in a very painful way,” the archdiocese said. “We do not tolerate any racist behavior,” he said. “They are receiving appropriate discipline, including suspension.” “The school and the education office are continuing to review the case. We will investigate whether other students were additionally involved and take disciplinary action.”

The school said, “It is extremely regrettable that this has occurred during Black History Month, which celebrates the achievements and history of black people.” ” he said. “This can never be a joke. “It’s just horrible racism,” he said.

Source: Donga

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