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He thought his wife had a summer cold, but it was something serious: “We don’t know how long she has left to live”

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katie froggattmother of a girl, thought he was just fighting a summer cold. However, as the weeks went by, she pretty much found out I couldn’t breathe. And so it was that what looked like a stuffy nose ended in a devastating diagnosis.

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Out of fear of her and her husband Steven, who hail from the UK, a conflict had begun to form. growth inside the nasal cavity. And it got worse to the point where “a sausage was coming out of his nose,” she says.

The episode that took shape way back in 2021 turned out to be a terminal cancer and the family now hopes that at least the woman will live to celebrate your 40th birthday.

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The family wants Katie to celebrate her 40th birthday.

The family wants Katie to celebrate her 40th birthday.

The couple discovered that Katie had a aggressive tumorwhich led to an extremely sensitive emergency operation.

But even if the surgeons they removed the entire nose about Katie, they were forthright: They told the 39-year-old she doesn’t have much time left with her young family.

Cancer, surgeries and reconstruction

“It was August of 2021, she had a bit of a cold, but after that, Katie started having really difficulty breathing through her nose. And she just kept getting worse and worse,” her husband Steven told the Manchester Evening News.

“She was misdiagnosed: doctors they thought it was sinusitis. Nothing got better, Katie’s breathing got worse to the point where she really couldn’t do it.”

They then decided to see a private doctor, who assumed they were polyps.

“So it was that the tumor continued to grow until it came out of his nose; he was as if a sausage were coming out of his nostriljust above the upper lip,” Steven continued.

The United Family: Katie, Steven and their daughter.

The United Family: Katie, Steven and their daughter.

In their search for a solution, the Southport Emergency Room nurses advised him to go to Aintree Hospital for suspected cancer investigations.

Katie has suffered two operations in the same number of months in early 2022, and there was talk of the possibility of removing the nose in a complex procedure to try and kill the tumor permanently. “We didn’t know if he would wake up with a nose or not”kept Steven lapidary.

Thus began a process of rebuilding his nose and the doctors skin removed from dolls Katie, veins in her arm to carry blood to the skin around the new nose and had a bone removed from her rib to create the new structure, reports the UK outlet.

The surgery left nerve damage in his face, forcing him to have to his face would sink for much of the year until sensitivity returns. It was then followed by a grueling radiotherapy.

bad news again

The future looked brighter in September 2022, but just days after the couple returned from a friend’s wedding in France, where Katie enjoyed her first night as a bridesmaid in months, they were faced with a terrifying shock.

The English woman’s nose started bleeding again and they discovered that despite all the traumatic and delicate process, the tumor had returned.

Katie and Steven in happy times.

Katie and Steven in happy times.

The outlook has worsened: the tumor has been removed, but again, another had grown in a few days. So on December 23rd she underwent another surgery. NHS (National Health Service) staff said that if he hadn’t arrived in surgery in January, the tumor would remove his eye.

After the long-awaited nose reconstruction, he never expected the slap he received: They had to remove his nose completely.

“It was very gruesome, they took his whole nose off. There was extensive damage, Katie needed a skin graft, her whole eye is still a mess,” her husband added.

Tragically, more bad news came as the Southport family chimed in the new year. He the cancer had reached the lungn Katie and was now in the phase fourremoving his lung would ruin his quality of life, Steven told doctors.

He also added that they think the life expectancy for a cancer of this nature is “a year or two”.

Now, the family is looking for alternative treatments in a desperate attempt to give Katie the longest life expectancy possible, but these can cost more than $1,200 per weekthe father said.

Steven is afraid of losing his wife and being a single parent.

Steven is afraid of losing his wife and being a single parent.

At the moment, Katie is receiving intensive radiotherapy and immunotherapy waiting for nose surgery.

“Our little girl thinks Mommy is getting her nose done, she’s always been so good,” Steven explained. And he stated emphatically: “We have always been very positive. I would like to design a better life for us but now I can’t even think about the future“.

Steven knows that every day is so much more. “My eyes water from fear of losing her and the thought of being a single parent is scary. But then I decided to change my thinking. I can’t help it and I can’t let anxiety take control.”

Source: Clarin

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