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High blood pressure drug that could slow aging, study finds

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Something that humans have been looking for practically since the beginning of their existence is how to prolong your life. From the Holy Grail to the Fountain of Youth, there are thousands of myths and legends surrounding treatments that extend life for decades.

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Over the last century, people’s life expectancy has increased significantly. In 2000 it was 66.8 years oldpass in 2019 to 73.4 years old. Now, a new study from the University of Liverpool, in collaboration with Harvard University, ensures that a drug used to treat hypertension could be reused to extend people’s lives.

Rilmenidine, the drug that could prolong life expectancy

The drug rilmenidine, often used to treat blood pressure-related conditions, had the best results in this new study. The main goal of this analysis was to look for existing drugs that could mimic the process of calorie restrictionaccording to the doctor João Pedro Magalhaesproject participant.

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The primary use of rilmenidine is the treatment of high blood pressure.

The primary use of rilmenidine is the treatment of high blood pressure.

According to the doctor, “calorie restriction – reducing calorie intake without reaching malnutrition – is the most consistent and safest way to extend life expectancy and delay ageing“. However, this method brings several side effectsTherefore, a lot of research is underway to develop this technique and reduce its risks.

Another of the drugs selected to investigate, along with rilmenidine, was allantoin. Although research has reached advanced levels, scientists have decided to opt for the former to carry out their study, as it is simpler and easier for a person to consume.

Therefore, due to the properties of rilmenidine, the authors of the work from the University of Liverpool look favorably on the development of this drug with anti-aging purposesalthough they are not sure if it can be prescribed for this purpose.

Source: Clarin

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