5 fundamental keys to not losing muscle mass

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Over the years, loss of muscle mass is inevitable. Which leads to notice more flaccidity and to perceive the accumulation of fat in certain points.

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To help reverse this situation and keep the body toned, fitness and nutrition coach Emmanuel Navarro gave the site Glamor the basic steps of his plan.

These keys can be adapted to different physical states and training levels. The important thing will be to consult a doctor and a physical trainer to find the right option for each person.

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1. Train for strength

It is the fundamental point to help preserve and increase muscle mass. Furthermore, it must be taken into account that sedentary people need more energy to carry out their functions.

2. Ban restrictive diets

Another reason not to fall for these floors. Because, in addition to being impossible to sustain over time, Navarro explains that in these cases the body will use part of the muscle mass as energy. With which, they will reduce their muscles.

On the other hand, on plans with a moderate calorie deficit, you will mostly lose fat.

Strength training must be adapted to personal possibilities Photo Shutterstock.

Strength training must be adapted to personal possibilities Photo Shutterstock.

3. Be careful with cardio exercises

They are not contraindicated. But, according to Navarro, when you do excessive routines alongside very poor or restrictive diets, you will produce an excessive calorie deficit that will promote muscle loss.

Moderation here is also the key to follow.

4. Don’t leave out the protein

The reason is clear: it is the macronutrient responsible for tissue creation and repair. When your intake is deficient, you are more likely to lose muscle mass.

They also contribute to greater satiety, something crucial when trying to reduce portions, set aside excessive intakes and even binges.

Rest helps to repair muscles Photo Getty Images.

Rest helps to repair muscles Photo Getty Images.

5. Rest!

Muscles are repaired with rest and lack of sleep promotes their loss. How much sleep? What you need to feel active and energetic. Moments of greatest recharge require more rest afterwards.

With these steps it will be possible to maintain muscle mass.

Source: Clarin

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