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How to clean and disinfect the toilet with baking soda and salt?

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The bathroom and kitchen of our home are essential spaces for our daily development, which is why their correct maintenance is important; not only to keep the house tidy, but also to avoid health problems. Although some of the best products of house cleaning are expensive or hard to find, there is a simple and cheap home make-up which many implement to keep the bathroom and kitchen at home perfectly clean.

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This solution requires a few ingredients, which are very easy to find and can be found in almost every home: salt and baking soda.

How does the homemade trick to clean the toilet bowl work?

250 grams of baking soda is the measure for this homemade trick.

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250 grams of baking soda is the measure for this homemade trick.

This trick works like this: in a container we mix 250 grams of baking soda sodium, others 250 grams of salt and about 25 drops of essential oil. The mixture is then flushed down the toilet overnight and let it act until the next morning.

The next day, we have boiled enough water and then we pour it into the toilet, finally we flush the toilet to flush the water. This will make the bathroom discard all bacteria or waste that has and loses any unpleasant smell. It is recommended to at least repeat this process Once a monthto keep the toilet always disinfected.

Another similar trick with other ingredients

Vinegar can also be used for a similar concoction.

Vinegar can also be used for a similar concoction.

If you don’t have baking soda, another concoction that can be used is vinegar with a little salted water. Once mixed, pour it into the toilet and wait for it to act for a few minutes. Then, with a spatula or sponge, remove debris and dirtwhich should be much softer by now.

Another possibility is to mix the vinegar citric acid water powder. This option, however, is a little more dangerous, as citric acid can be harmful to your health. It is recommended that you cover your eyes and mouth and wear gloves if you choose this option.

Source: Clarin

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