He treatment of varicose veins or varicose veins It’s not just an aesthetic issue, but it can be linked to a warning before the A.T health problemsuch as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), more frequent than previously thought”.
Doctor’s reference Paul Gallofrom his tenure as head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit of the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid, he emphasized the pathology that can occur in both men and women.
It is that varicose veins are formed by a weakening of the one-way valves that regulate blood flow, which prevents blood from returning well to the heart.
They usually have a reddish or purple color that is visible to the naked eye on the skin. And doctors warn that if blood flow in your veins keeps getting worse, varicose veins can cause pain, swelling, blood clots and ulcersdepending on the site mejorconsalud.as.
There are different types of varicose veins, not all are the same, as it depends on the development that presents its color and intensity. Up to four stages of varicose veins can be found.
grade 1 varicose veins
In this type of varicose veins, the veins are fine purplish color. Sometimes they can be star-shaped and are called varicose veins.
They hardly pose an aesthetic problem. However, they can produce a feeling of heaviness and tiredness in the legs.
grade 2 varicose veins
The veins become more visible and a series of recurring symptoms appear in the legs as well as heaviness and fatigue: pain, cramps, tingling. sensation of heat, itching and burning.
grade 3 varicose veins
The veins are more dilated and the symptoms are progressively increasing. Swelling, edema and skin discoloration may appear.
grade 4 varicose veins
These are the most delicate and usually appear in areas with eczema or ulcers. Difficult to treat, they can easily become infected.
It is always important to visit a doctorbeyond any treatment or natural home remedy recommended to apply thanks to beneficial ingredients.
But beyond the masks, Food is always essential for health. And also in case of varicose veins.
Nut considered superfood for varicose veins
Many foods have properties that promote circulation and should be included in the diet for varicose veins.
But if there’s a particularly flattering superfood inside the nutthe dried fruit that protects blood vessels, is anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and reduces blood pressure.
only dice are cataloged as a superfood allied to heart muscle by According to a study conducted by The TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, as well as the Spanish Heart Foundation.
Research confirms that it improves cardiovascular health thanks to its content in Omega 3 fatty acids of vegetable originHim. Indeed, the Spanish Heart Foundation considers them “great allies of the heart muscle”.
Habits against varicose veins
To combat varicose veins, from Cosmetic Somatolin recommend some simple habits that don’t involve spending money.
- Reduce fat intake and maintain a balanced diet, rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water, but avoid carbonated, sugary, or alcoholic beverages.
- Do not take oral contraceptives without medical supervision.
- Wear loose clothing and wear suitable shoes; no heels more than 5 centimeters high.
- Don’t spend many hours sitting at work, take breaks every one or two hours to stretch your legs and reactivate circulation.
- Daily physical activity is one of the best remedies to avoid varicose veins.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.