Mhoni Vidente shares the ritual to permanently remove the “evil eye”.

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Mhoni Vidente, the Cuban astrologer and tarot reader based in Mexico, has made through her YouTube channel some recommendations to cure or cut with the inconveniences caused by the so-called “evil eye” in popular culture.

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Among the recommendations to eliminate the negative energies caused by the evil eye and envy. According to the expert in astrology, eThese problems can arise when a person receives a “strong”, envious look from those around him.

Mhoni Vidente has ensured that envy is a natural and proper feeling in human beings, but that, however, It is vitally important to control it as it can bring sadness and anger to those who experience it.

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In this sense, the astrologer and the tarot reader he explained that “there is no such thing as good envy”.

The evil eye Caused by envy among human beings.

The evil eye Caused by envy among human beings.

​Mhoni Vidente’s advice to fight the “evil eye”

Mhoni Seer recommended to avoid going through this circumstance a simple formula to perform: put the perfume on your forehead, neck and chest before leaving the house.

He also said it can be useful place a crystalline glass vase under the bed or on a nightstand and discard the liquid during the next morning to “eliminate all those negative energies and envy”.

Another recommendation to end or prevent negative energies is wearing a red ribbon, according to Mhoni Seer. This ribbon should be soaked in perfume and attached to the right ankle or hand, with three knots. It should stay that way until it crumbles and falls, carrying bad energy with it.

What is the evil eye”


Envy is one of the ways the “evil eye” is transmitted.

“The origins of this belief go back to ancient peoples such as Babylonia, Egypt, Sumerians and Hittites. These cultures believed that the bad feelings that are inside the human being come out through the eyes ”, describes Carmen Torrente in her book“ Superstition says… ”.

Is that since ancient times, the evil eye is attributed to the very strong gaze of some people.

AS, From the Greek Gorgons and their paralyzing gaze to Celtic tales of men who mastered horses just by looking at them, the evil eye has swept through virtually every culture for thousands of years.. And with it every civilization has created its own amulets of care and defense.

As an “antidote”, the Egyptians made up the contours of their eyes with Kohl, an antimony-based compound that was prepared by diviners for men; and, instead, alone in the case of women.

In ancient Rome – Torrente describes – professional sorcerers specialized in the evil eye were hired exercise their spells against a person’s enemies”.

In the Middle Ages, as was customary, having an averted gaze or some vision problems made a person a candidate for death by hanging or at the stake.

In Central Asia, Greece, Turkey and the western region of China they also believed – and still do – in stalking and the dreadful effects of a strong and “bad” gaze.

The red ribbons would be effective in containing the "Evil Eye".

The red ribbons would be effective in containing the “Evil Eye”.

How to know if you have the evil eye?

The evil eye is the result of a strong negative energy that is sent to a person by another trying to harm him.

This type of energy is usually produced by envy, jealousy and hatred, and can cause enormous discomfort, both physical and emotional, in the recipient.

If you feel you have symptoms of the evil eye, such as headache, tiredness and lack of appetite, It is important to follow some recommendations to cleanse your energies and prevent the envy of those around you from affecting you

Source: Clarin

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