Shortly after the first anniversary of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Pope Francis asked the concrete efforts by world leaders “for an end to the conflict”.
The Supreme Pontiff has defined the conflict resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine an “absurd and cruel war”.
“The day after tomorrow, February 24, one year has passed since the invasion of Ukraine. One year since the beginning of this absurd and cruel war. A sad anniversary”lamented the pontiff at the end of the general audience he led in the Vatican.
For the Pope, “the balance of dead, wounded, refugees, displaced persons, destruction, economic and social damage speaks for itself”.
“Will the Lord be able to forgive so many crimes and so much violence? He is the God of peace”, Jorge Bergoglio then relaunched in the meeting with about 7,000 faithful in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican.
He added: “We are close to the martyred Ukrainian people who continue to suffer. Let us ask ourselves if everything possible has been done to stop the war.”
“I ask those who have authority over nations to make a concrete effort to end the conflict, reach a ceasefire and start peace negotiations”, Francis also said in a new appeal for an end to the war. .
In this context, he insisted that “What is built on rubble will never be a real victory”.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.