Victoria and Panav Jha They would have celebrated their wedding on the 16th floor of the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. And for that, of course, they had to go up there. So they did what anyone would do: they used the elevator. Big mistake. They never imagined that this simple decision would cause them so much trouble..
What happened was that the elevator stalled as soon as it left and the couple were trapped between the first and second floors for two hourstherefore they missed their holiday reception.
“We went up about five feet (about 1.5 meters) and then stopped,” Panav Jha told WBTV, adding, “The door was slightly ajar, so I was like, ‘Hmm, that’s not normal.'” Both were trapped along with four guests.
First they called the people of the hotel to let them out but to no avail. Since no one could do anything, the improvised rescuers resorted to the Charlotte Fire Station.
saving the wedding night
In a Facebook post, the barracks reported what happened along with a photo of him and the couple at center stage. Everyone’s poses and smiling faces announce what everyone expected: the rescue had a happy ending.
The Charlotte Fire Department said after arriving they had to manipulate the elevator to lift people out of the top of the cubicle.
“We did all the normal troubleshooting you do on an elevator call and none of it worked, so we realized we had to lift them. It ended up being a rope rescue,” explained the firefighter David Budd.
After rescuing the first person, Victoria’s sister asked them to get the bride and groom out quickly, since they had to go and entertain the guests of their own party.
“The 6 who were taken out safely and were part of Jha’s wedding party. Fortunately, no one needed medical attention,” the headquarters reported on Facebook, concluding its release with a special dedication: “Mr. and Mrs. Jha, we hope today is the beginning of a long and happy life together.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.