Fukutsudzi Method: The Japanese Weight Loss Wonder That Takes Five Minutes and a Towel

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In Japan, the diet It is an aspect that is held in high regard in all sections of society. They are even treated very seriously in schools as the country has an interest in avoiding them overweight and obesity in its population.

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And in this permanent attempt to improve the quality of life, the battle against adiposity and THE accumulated abdominal fat it takes time and dedication.

But a method developed by Dr. Toshiki Fukutsudzi, a Japanese chiropractor who specializes in treating pelvic bone and back problems, appears to have a solution. they are just necessary a towel, five minutes a day and a varied and healthy diet.

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The goal of the Fukutsudzi method is to fully stretch the entire body, using a towel at the level of the lower back.

The goal of the Fukutsudzi method is to fully stretch the entire body, using a towel at the level of the lower back.

The accumulation of abdominal fat is not only related to diet and regular exercise, but also to body posture correction. In this way, if the basin is not positioned correctly, a free space is generated so that fat accumulates around the waist.

The abdominal muscles relax, conforming to a lax musculature that does not exert any type of force and, therefore, allows the fat to camp freely. So, the exercise proposed by the Fukutsudzi method corrects the position of the pelvis forcing the abdomen to tone and engage in strength exercises so that muscle development moves and unpacks fat, eliminating it from the body.

To get into the exercise routine, you need to lie down on the floor with a rolled towel on the lower back, the lumbars, i.e. behind the navel. A rolled up yoga mat can also be used. After finding the most comfortable position, stretch your arms and legs as much as possible, place your legs slightly apart and your feet inside, trying to touch your thumbs. For his part, the arms should be extended above the headwith the palms of the hands facing the ground.

The towel should be positioned by applying pressure while lying down.

The towel should be positioned by applying pressure while lying down.

The goal of the exercise is fully stretch the whole body, also using the breath, preferably through the nose, without forcing the rhythm. You have to hold the position for five minutes.

Once done, you will notice how the abdomen is in tension, which facilitates the reshaping of the area. As in any exercise it will be effective if you make it routine.

Performing this movement five minutes a day improves posture and will also have a positive influence on reducing excess fat around the waist. It will also facilitate better digestion and eliminate problems such as sensation bloated and gassy.

Japan and its fight against obesity

As a sign of the Japanese government’s concern for issues related to good nutrition and the fight against obesity, the Health Japan 21 program It has an investment of more than 8% of the country’s GDP.

Japan has specific laws to keep overweight and obesity at bay.

Overweight and obesity, issues that are very much taken into consideration in Japan.  Shutterstock photos.

Overweight and obesity, issues that are very much taken into consideration in Japan. Shutterstock photos.

In the workplace, employers are solicited adults between 40 and 75 years oldby the companies themselves and by the public health administration, to have an annual measurement of the waistline.

Therefore, if the signs are higher than the numbers suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO)Help and exercise sessions are promoted.

Walking is the most frequent activity they do in the country to maintain healthy living habits and lose weight.

However there is a routine that has become popular that relies more on breathing that of exercise.

Miki Ryosuke’s respiratory diet

The breathing method has been popularized since actor Miki Ryosukewhich he achieved lose weight 13 kiloslosing 11 centimeters of waist contour in just a few weeks.

“In 2013 or 2014, a colleague told me about Miki Ryôsuke and her breathing techniques. It’s been a routine on my mind ever since,” she explains. nutritionist Concepción Martínez.

In any case, he admits: “But I usually recommend it to my older clients than the rest, always as a complement to a healthy diet. Obviously breathing exercises are not enough“.

Something surprising is that Ryôsuke didn’t pursue the goal of losing weight, but of doing itrelieve back pain.

Breathing, one of the keys to losing weight.

Breathing, one of the keys to losing weight.

Some doctors recommended the exercises to him and as he performed them he realized that not only did he solve his back problems, but also i would lose weight.

Healthy eating habits are essential.  Shutterstock photos.

Healthy eating habits are essential. Shutterstock photos.

Step by step method to lose weight

The long breath diet consists of two locations.


start by putting yourself in a specific position, with one foot in front of the other. AS squeeze your glutes and shift most of your weight onto the leg behind youslightly tilting the body backwards, detail in a video.

Next step, get started inhale gently for three secondsraising the arms above the head and starting to exhale forcefully, for seven seconds, lowering the arms and tensing the muscles of the body.

Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke was the one who popularized the method.

Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke was the one who popularized the method.

“If you watch the video where the actor performs the exercise, although the key lies in the long exhalation as he contracts his muscles, the sound he makes, very similar to the cry of Cristiano Ronaldo during the celebration of the Ballon d’Orit’s really motivating,” notes the expert.

According to Ryôsuke himself, since fat contains oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, when we breathe the oxygen reaches the fat cells and breaks down into water and carbon. Therefore, the more oxygen the body uses, the more fat it will burn.


As for this position, keep your back straight, tensing your buttocks again, placing one hand in front of your abdomen and the other on your lower back.

Then inhale for three seconds and exhale again for seven seconds, without changing the position of the hands, but again trying to tense all the muscles of the body.

These exercises increase the production of hormones through urine and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

These exercises increase the production of hormones through urine and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

This exercise is also called Senobiand there are scientific studies that support their effectiveness, as well as recommending them as first-line treatments in cases of obesity.

In Japan they also check the waist size.

In Japan they also check the waist size.

In conclusion, emphasize that these exercises increase the production of hormones through urine and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

Precisely, they say, it was verified how the women who took part in the survey lived in reduction of body fat.

Source: Clarin

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