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Abandoned and in ruins: the terrifying end of the religious theme park where they recreated bloody crucifixions

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The experience of the Holy Land It was known for being where “Jesus was crucified” 6 days a week. It was in Orlando, Florida, and it was kind of Christian Disney. It aroused passions of all kinds in critics and tourists who ranged, according to each type of faith, from the deepest rejection to the most serious admiration.

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In this American “Holy Land”, actors dressed as Roman soldiers and one playing Jesus performed the crucifixion of Christ in Jerusalem every day in the style of Mel Gibson: with excessive crudeness… or realism.

Anyone with internet can watch the show. In several YouTube videos, Romans can be seen pretending to nail Jesus to the cross while he is on the ground and then, creating a cinematic effect, lift him up so that dozens of spectators can see the “crucified” actor. Already with the cross vertically, Jesus appears completely in pain and covered in blood.

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A depiction of the crucifixion of Christ.  Photo: YouTube "donutcookiepie" capture

A depiction of the crucifixion of Christ. Photo: YouTube “donutcookiepie” capture

The show does not stop at the crucifixion: the soldiers also accompany the actor who plays Jesus through the streets of the false Jerusalem in front of the attentive and astonished gaze of the adults and, above all, children.

Other amusements in the park included a replica Herod’s Temple, water rides, biblical miniature golf, and a street market selling food and souvenirs. friendlier attractions.

The initial idea of ​​its creator, Marvin Rosenthal (an ordained minister raised Jewish before converting to Christianity as a teenager) was for all visitors to his $16 million park to see “the majesty of God” and then go home to”dust off their bibles”.

A demonstration of the Passion of Christ.  Photo: David Joyce (Wikipedia) License:

A demonstration of the Passion of Christ. Photo: David Joyce (Wikipedia) License:

In 2001, its first year, it was visited by 300,000 people, a number more than correct for the expectations they had. In 2007, with the arrival of new owners – TV evangelists Paul and Jan Crouch – there were more attractions. From that year it was possible to have lunch with Jesus or be baptized by him.

But the most sumptuous, fewer ticket buyers. In 2013, there were already 180,000 annual visitors, a much lower figure than in 2001. The 2020 pandemic confirmed what was in sight: tourists were less than half what they once were, and business would never recover .

Today, March 2023, it can be said that The Santa Experience Orlando no longer exists.

This is the experience of the Holy Land.  Photo: YouTube capture Bryan Lankston

This is the experience of the Holy Land. Photo: YouTube capture Bryan Lankston

Or that it no longer exists as such, because its ruins remain. In August 2021, the park closed permanently and was sold to the Adventist Healthcare Company for $32 million. It will soon be demolished.

Over the years, youtubers like Bryan Lankston and Jerez Coaster Adventures have visited what was left of it, giving us images that still remain. amaze and frighten.

The place where Christ was lifted up on the cross is now a grassy field. Many of the park’s floors have broken tiles; there are lost cars; posters which still survive (as well as some promotional brochures); broken glasses; dropped objects; doors open forever; destroyed scene.

There are only ruins in the place.  Photo: YouTube capture Bryan Lankston

There are only ruins in the place. Photo: YouTube capture Bryan Lankston

What once might have been Christian Orlando Studios is now dust. We will only have good videos of him.

Source: Clarin

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