A stroke of luck changed the life of a man who became a millionaire After buy at auction a lot of things used and found more than 7 million dollars. But something unexpected happened and “everything got complicated”.
Dan Dotsonpresenter of TV show Storage Warsrevealed that one of his buyers made the life-changing discovery in 2018.
Auction, safe and dollars
The 59-year-old auctioneer posted a clip on social media a while ago about the staggering amount at a charity event in California (USA)).
“An older Asian woman at the next table kept looking at me as if she wanted to tell me something,” Dotson begins her account.
She continues: “She approached me and told me that her husband works with a man she had Bought a unit for $500 and found a safe inside.
As US media reported, the first person they called apparently failed to open the safe, which is always complex.
Those safes are often empty or contain documents that are no longer important. But when they summoned a second specialist and managed to open it, they were in for a pleasant surprise.
Conflict for more than 7 million dollars
“The safe had $7.5 million in cash inside,” they confirm, but an unforeseen event occurred that ended up complicating everything.
Unfortunately, the auction buyer could not keep the money after being approached by an attorney who claimed to represent the original owners of the unit.
Dan said The explosion that his lawyer allegedly offered the buyer of lot a reward or compensation of $580,000, which of course was rejected.
Then came a second higher offer of $1,160,000 if the anonymous buyer agreed to return the remainder of the millions.
unforgettable money
The TV presenter showed his amazement at like a personno matter how rich he is you can forget such an amount of money in cash inside a safe that he auctions off.
“There’s $7.5 million in one unit, I don’t think anyone forgets that. Maybe he delegated the task to someone else who wasn’t aware of the contents at all,” speculates the driver.
THE co-star and wife Laura he added in an attempt to come up with a theory, half joking half serious: “The credit card went bad, it ran out, they moved, maybe the person went to jail, who knows what.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.