The story of the “time traveler” who says that aliens will invade the Earth

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While the origin of the UFOs that allegedly flew over the United States in February continues to be the subject of debate and multiple theories, General Glen Van Herck did not rule out the Pentagon that they could be of extraterrestrial origin.

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A scenario that was fundamental for the tiktoker Eno Alaric, a user claiming to be a “time traveler” who comes from the year 2671 and who regularly gives premonitions of events that have not occurred. Now, the tiktoker has taken the opportunity to explain his latest prediction: this march the aliens will invade the earth.

Through his TikTok account @radianttimetraveler, Eno announced the alien invasion that he believes will happen this year, exactly on March 23rdand that only a few people will survive thanks to another alien known as “the Champion”.

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The appearance of alleged UFOs, axis of a worldwide debate.

The appearance of alleged UFOs, axis of a worldwide debate.

“A very hostile alien species is coming to take back the Earth, we will not win. Another alien, whose world has been destroyed by hostiles, will save some of us. On March 23, 2023, approximately 8,000 people will be taken to another habitable planet.” explains on the social network.

But not only that, in another video he also assures that the 8,000 people who will be taken to another planet to save humanity will be selected very soon taking into account who can help others stay alive. Meanwhile, the Earth is supposedly “on the verge of destruction”.

A series of completely improbable statements that soon went viral with almost a million views and comments of all kinds about it: from those who joked with the theory, to those who suggested who “the chosen ones” could be.

Can you travel through time?

Time travel could theoretically be possible, but in a recent study, University of Maryland researchers Igor Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung signaled their qualms.

The authors explained that time travel is practically impossible since time cannot fold back on itself and it is not possible to undo events that have taken place or occurred in the past.

Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung argued that particles in the universe cannot go back in time.

However, scientists have accepted that the results are not conclusive and that there should be more before they are categorical on the matter.

Among other things, precisely for this reason, very few believe that the tiktoker Eno can be a real time traveler. HA despite everything, there are those who appreciate the content they upload and constantly remind the gullible that it is only for entertainment.

Source: Clarin

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