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The superfood is very effective in controlling glucose spikes

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With the diagnosis of diabetes or the risk of developing it, diet comes to occupy one of the focuses of attention. From the choice of adequate nutrition will be one of the strategies to maintain the blood sugar at healthy levels e avoid glucose spikes.

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Among the green light options is a superfood that is not as highly regarded among those with this diagnosis and which offers enormous benefits.

It’s about quinoa, one phone call pseudocereal native to South America which in recent years has had a well-deserved claim.

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Quinoa can be used in stir-fries and risottos.

Quinoa can be used in stir-fries and risottos.

According to the information cited by the Marca website, a study ensures that, thanks to its nutrients, it is a highly recommended option for regulating sugar levels, avoiding glucose spikes and in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

The benefits of quinoa

As for the rest of its properties, the following compounds cannot be left out.

– It is very rich in vitamins E, C and group B.

– Contains iron, calcium and magnesium as main minerals.

Quinoa is considered a pseudocereal Istock photo.

Quinoa is considered a pseudocereal Istock photo.

– It is a good source of fiber and complex carbohydrates.

– Contains a high concentration of protein, with all the essential amino acids. A virtue that contributes to muscle development.

– It is an important source of trace elements, essential substances in the normal development of metabolism.

– It has Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, the so-called “good fats”.

How to consume it

“This little seed fascinates those who are committed to a natural and organic diet,” explains a note from the site Cuerpo mente.

consume it, it is essential to wash it several times, until the soapy substance -saponin- disappears. Then cook it until very tender.

It can be added to salads, stir-fries, pies or served as a garnish.

Source: Clarin

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