THE Tipping in the United Statesunlike other countries, they are not an optional reward that the customer gives to the worker who served him as a thank you for his Work well done, but a measure that applies salary supplement that employers pay their waiters, for whom it is a way of making sure that the employee serves the customer properly.
So, is tipping mandatory in the US? NO, there is no law that requires it the consumer to tip the restaurateur who served him personally, but it is essentially inadmissible not to do so.
It has even happened all over the world that waiters or waiters have complained on their highly viral social networks that such a celebrity or such a millionaire businessman had left little tip.
It is also common that if a customer does not tip you, he asks for explanations of the case: “Was he treated badly? Wasn’t I nice enough?”
How tipping works in the United States
Having to calculate the amount of the percentage corresponding to the tip to add to the total bill usually becomes a nightmare for those not used to it.
There is restaurants that include tipping in the add-on, so you just have to check how much they tip to see how much the bill is. But if you are in doubt and want to be sure whether the tip is included or not, you should ask the waiter or waiter, “Is the tip included?”
If the tip is not included in the ticket, you must personally write the amount you would like to tip in the “Tip” or “Tip” box. enclosing the amount in cardinals, for example: #16$#.
In restaurants, a tip is usually left between 15% and 20% of the total bill. In bars the norm is between 1 and 2 dollars for each spin or between 15% and 20% of the total. Tipping is also left at buffets. It’s usually between 10 and 20% if they bring the drinks to the table.
To the hotel clerk who takes the luggage to the room between 2 and 5 dollars depending on the amount of luggage. You also have to pay the taxi driver a tip. Normally 15% of the trip.
Tip when paying with a card
When the bill is requested in a restaurant or bar, it is common for them to bring the ticket with the amount to be paid. At that moment the waiter doesn’t know how he will pay the diner: the form of payment.
But the ticket will arrive already prepared with the appropriate box to fill in with the amount you want to leave as a tip. The amount is set the credit card is left together with the ticket and issue resolved.
While it is true that the credit card is the cheapest and most widely used means of payment and it is not uncommon to see an American paying with a card for something that only cost $3, foreigners should be wary of the fees that their banks charge every time a credit card is used in the United States, which are almost always abusive.
US taxes
VAT is commonly known in the United States as “Sale TAX”. It is a state or municipal tax, so the nation state does not benefit from it at all. There are some states that have 0% sales tax, so purchases cost much less than in other territories, like Montana.
United States coins
Coins: 1 cent (penny), 5 cents (nickel), 10 cents (dime), 25 cents (quarter), 50 cents (half), and 1 dollar. These last two coins are unusual, as is known from all this Americans really like paper.
Notes: Each note represents the face of a US president, US$1 (Washington), US$5 (Lincoln), US$10 (Hamilton), US$20 (Jackson), US$50 (Grant), $ 100 (Franklin).
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.