Just like putting a person’s name on a candle or placing it in a glass with some honey, writing it on our left foot has a very particular meaning.
It happens to be one of the fastest and most effective love rituals when it comes to win, recover or strengthen the relationship that we keep with the person we love.
this knowledge “binding ritual” It ensures that the person to whom the ceremony is dedicated always remains with us in a full, strong and happy bond.
What does it mean to write a person’s name on the left foot?
Second Consultorioesoteric.comin the case of those already in a relationship, this mooring is usually used to maintain the bonds of the couple, strengthen their union or prevent a separation from happening.
In other cases it is a ritual used to make the person feel we love attracted to us and want to always be by our side, make our dreams come true.
In summary, the goal of the ritual of writing or putting a person’s name on the left foot is to be able to have someone forever by our side, wishing us and fulfilling our desire to be as a couple.
What is the ritual like of writing or putting a person’s name on the left foot?
In this sense, the site highlights several variations of this binding ritual. We see.
One of the ways to do this is very simple.. Only a pen with blue ink and a photo of your loved one or desired person is used. With these elements in hand, we focus on the request and what we want to achieve with the ritual.
Then, write the person’s name that we love (or want to love each other) on the sole of the left foot three times and we stepped on the photo three times with the same foot.
Every time we step on the image, we have to repeat the following sentence: “Here I have you and you will look for me immediately and without thinking…”; and then we repeat three times”So be it”.
Once this is done, we fold the photo and save it in a purse or wallet that we always carry with us.
Do the ritual in another wayyou need a pen with red ink, a bottle of pink champagne, a glass and red roses.
With the red ink pen write the person’s name that interests us our left foot once, at the beginning of the day. During the day we ask you to call us or contact us in some way.
As soon as this contact is established, we place the other elements of the ritual and leave them as close as possible to a flowering tree. This is one way to say thank you for what you have achieved.
Bonus Track: Ritual to recover a lost love
This ritual is intended for reunite those couples who have separated But both feel that love can be recovered they had and start over.
At night, we prepare an altar with a red candle to which we have previously put a few drops of rose, lavender or jasmine perfume. Next to him we put a photo of the two of them in a happy moment.
We light the candle and for a few minutes we let’s visualize wrapped in a red aura and remember the good times spent together. When we finish visualizing, we say “Thanks thanks thanks”.
Once the candle has gone out, we keep the photo in a drawer where we usually have personal things. The ideal is repeat the spell the following week if the meeting could not be arranged.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.