What are the most frequent mental illnesses and how to identify them

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THE mental health it is vital for an integral well-being of personal, community and socioeconomic development. But the stress of everyday life presents a challenge to achieve mind-body balance. And in that struggle appear i mental disorders.

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For example, according to health center program data Access the community health networkpublished in November 2022, “one in five adults in the United States suffers from a lifelong mental illness.

Just do a math to establish, then, that nearly 10 million Americans (1 in 25) live with a severe mental disordera fact that puts psychiatry on alert.

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Mental health.  Photo: Freepik

Mental health. Photo: Freepik

There are several explanations that address why mental health is impaired. And among the factors that can cause mental problems are those of biological type (such as genes or brain chemistry), life experiences (such as trauma or abuse), e family contextreflects the Mental Health page of the United States Department of Health and Human Services,

What are the signs of mental health disorders?

In addition to looking for certain signals, to avoid confusion, A visit with a professional is always essential to choose the best route.

Now yes, there is a list of symptoms or pointers for a mental health condition to address:

Sleep problems are indications of mental health problems.  Shutterstock photos.

Sleep problems are indications of mental health problems. Shutterstock photos.
  • sleep problems
  • Dietary changes
  • Inability to cope with everyday problems
  • Unusual or “magical” thoughts.
  • Excessive and frequent anxiety
  • Sadness, depression or apathy for a long time
  • Thoughts or statements about suicide or harm to others
  • Substance abuse Excessive anger, hostility, or violent behavior
  • Feeling disconnected or withdrawn from normal activities
Sadness, depression and apathy.  Shutterstock photos.

Sadness, depression and apathy. Shutterstock photos.

In this line, specialists note three mental health disorders with the highest prevalence: those of anxiety, major depression and bipolar.

Anxiety Disorder

He anxiety disorder can generate the feeling of a constant state of worry, fear and dread. The good thing is that generalized anxiety disorder can be treated,” spreads the National Institute of Mental Health.

He also points out that it develops slowly and usually begins around age 30, although it can also occur in childhood. Also, that “this disorder is more common in women than in men”.

The American Anxiety and Depression Association points out that anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million adults or 3.1% of the US population, yet only 43.2% receive treatment.

Anxiety disorder usually begins around age 30.

Anxiety disorder usually begins around age 30.

Anxiety disorder often occurs along with major depression.

major depressive disorder

Access the community health network provides an otherwise shocking fact: the Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability among 15-44 year olds.

“Some of the symptoms include mood depressed, decreased interest or pleasure, weight change, appetite and models of drowsiness, tiredness is one sense of worthlessness”they warn.

And as always, in addition to discovering some symptoms yourself, you need to go to a professional and the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Millions of cases of depression worldwide are attributable to age.  Photo: Getty Images

Millions of cases of depression worldwide are attributable to age. Photo: Getty Images

The National Institute of Mental Health explains that while everyone feels sad from time to time, these feelings usually go away within a short time.

In the case of depression or “major depressive disorder” the situation is different. and can cause severe symptoms that influence the way you feel, think and coordinate daily activities such as sleep, eat or work.

This condition can affect anyone regardless of the age, race, income, culture or level of education.

Specialists point out that it can occur together with other mental disorders and diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and chronic pain.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings which include emotional highs, such as mania or hypomania; and low, like depression.

Bipolar disorder can be caused by multiple factors.

Bipolar disorder can be caused by multiple factors.

To get to the root of bipolar disorder, one must define it as the result of a combination of a genetic component with certain adverse life situations which act as triggers, warn from the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Spain.

Small additive and interactive effects of many genes confer greater personal vulnerability which makes certain situations possible such as stress, periods of lack of sleep or the use of drugs or stimulants cause an imbalance.

The reference is to changes in neurochemical systems (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamineamong others) and perhaps hormonal, which in turn generate the mental and physical symptoms of the disease, add the specialists of the Spanish centre.

To diagnose it, specialists perform a Physical exam attached to A psychiatric evaluation supported by a questionnaire and observation which requires a study of mood over a period of time.

Extreme mood swings.

Extreme mood swings.

Mental health coverage

Prepaid medical coverage includes more treatment and mental health is currently being talked about with less bias.

According to what can be seen from the aforementioned page on Mental Health in the USA, since 2014 most individual and small group health insurance plans, must cover mental health and substance use disorder services.

Such plans must cover essential health benefits, including mental health services.

Source: Clarin

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