He canceled the wedding because his girlfriend almost killed his dog: love for pets or excess? Descriptive photo: Shutterstock
Getting married is a difficult decision. It implies commitment, a willingness to give up certain things and knowing that, from that moment on, our lives will be shared. Therefore, it is important to know others.
So, in general, a few hours before the union we started to think how our lives will change once we joined the wedding.
And that’s when some began to pay attention to the smallest detail to confirm that the person chosen is the right one. And if not, this is the perfect time to stop everything …
This happened to a man who, a few days before the big ceremony, discovered that his future wife almost killed his dog. Of course, he dismissed the marriage.
angviolent decision
He is 28 years old, has been dating since 2018 and six months ago he dated his woman. However, an attitude – at least negligent – on his part did Rethink your decisions the day before marriagepublic The mirror.

Because of his girlfriend’s behavior, the young man reconsidered his situation. Descriptive photo: Shutterstock.
Venting on social network Reddit, the young man said he realized he made a mistake afterwards his future wife would almost kill his dog through “negligence.” At the same time, he described it as his pet “He’s the best dog there.”
What triggered the crisisang
“On Saturday, he had my fiancée Bachelorette party at home. I stayed with my parents but I left the dog because I wanted to be there. However, I made sure I told him that put it in our room when the party started, “the man said.
But at 5 a.m. on Sunday, things got complicated, as his girlfriend called him furious, making sure the animal is sick.
It happens that they are too funny to think about the dog, the woman (who is 27 years old) and her friends they leave food with alcohol and chocolate within reach of the pet who, not slowly or lazily, ate them.

The veterinarian made sure the animal had drunk too much chocolate and alcohol. Descriptive photo: Shutterstock
“he is drunk. I told him to take a taxi and go to the emergency veterinary clinic, “the young man explained.
And he added: “When I arrived, he didn’t seem to stop crying for a few hours and couldn’t even speak. His two friends were there, so they told me that my dog is alive but not well. I felt sorry for him for 10 minutes while I waited at the vet. ”
Then the professional said that to the man the animal drank too much alcohol and chocolatesomething that, literally, is poison for them.
“The girls seemed to think it would be cool to put everything on the low coffee table, let the dog roam instead of putting it in the room, and then drunk and unaware that the animal has eaten everything“Angry post by the young man.
As soon as the couple stepped back into their home, he begged his wife until then to pack their bags and “You leave your house and leave your life.”
And he added: “I told him to tell his guests that the wedding had been canceled, and I would tell me. He was startled, but he picked up his belongings and left.“.
Of course, a few hours later, literally the girl’s family and friends “bombed” by WhatsApp messages Telling her that she was mad for doing this to him after four years and shortly after the wedding, the medium published.
These messages quickly became insults and threats. Although, and to his surprise, even the own family sided with the bride. “Why, a mistake, he didn’t mean to, and the dog didn’t die!” opinion of his mother.

Even his family did not side with him, but he was determined to stop everything. Descriptive photo: Shutterstock
however, the question goes beyond the dog. “He is careless and irresponsible And I don’t want to stay and possibly see our son die in a car accident one day because he was texting or because he forgot to wear a seatbelt. “
“I guess I realized that I don’t want to spend my life with someone who has an outright disregard for human (or animal) life.“, he said directly.
Source: Clarin