Home World News The Primary teacher expressed the most painful comment she was experiencing for her profession and image

The Primary teacher expressed the most painful comment she was experiencing for her profession and image

The Primary teacher expressed the most painful comment she was experiencing for her profession and image

The Primary teacher expressed the most painful comment she was experiencing for her profession and image

The primary teacher Miss Sullivan revealed the offensive comments she receives every day.

little more challenging professions such as teaching. Teachers and professors are subject to all kinds of harassment, both within the school in teaching students and those coming from outside with offensive comments even on the photo.

Some people still do not give teachers a respect they deservebelieving that their work will end when the children go home and judge their long rest and vacation.

And even the the pandemic brought education to the fore after endless suffering, it seems some teachers still suffer from bad comments.

The Primary teacher is very active on social networks.

The Primary teacher is very active on social networks.

Comment by teacher Miss Sullivan

Miss Sullivan, Elementary teacher and TikTok stardecided to share the most annoying comment he receives in an attempt to make people feel how annoying they are, reports Glass.

In a video with tens of thousands of views, he posted a photo of himself at his graduation with the caption: What does it feel like to be an elementary school teacher?

He then lists some of the most annoying comments he receives, starting with the sentence: “I wish I worked from 8 to 12”.

“I wish I had a teacher like you,” the teacher told her many parents tell her.

“I wish I had a teacher like you,” the teacher told her many parents tell her.

Another always in the spotlight has to do with holiday season school, more than one month during the summer and two more weeks as part of a mid-term break, winter or summer vacation depending on the country and area. “Teachers have too much free time and more there they complain.”

Also, of course, Miss Sullivan mentioned the rude comments she received for her appearance, from men who believed it was a compliment and only made her uncomfortable: “You just take care and teach the kids?”

Another of the undisputed ones, who are out of place as before and usually come from men, fathers of their students, are: “I wish I had a teacher like you.” Others, for example: “It’s so nice to be with you all morning in a classroom.”

More network attacks on teachersang

To add to the list of professional disqualifications, there is always someone who usually says: “Those who don’t know what to do in life, teach.”

Elementary students in a class.  Descriptive image Shutterstock.

Elementary students in a class. Descriptive image Shutterstock.

Many users turned to social networks to add attacks along the same line: “I’ve also heard people say ‘those who don’t know how to teach, teach elementary school because the children don’t know’“, launched a user.

Another person took advantage and threw a cupid: “Don’t forget that your job is easy, you only have a few hours to take care of the kids”, belittling the teaching task.

As expected, there was soon great praise and support for Ms. Sullivan and other teachers for the incredible work they do.

“Elementary teachers are literally worthy of the world, they are heroes,” one person wrote.

Another teacher added: “Honestly, I challenge any of these people to do just one day as a teacher. Just one.”.

Miss Sullivan uploaded videos to TikTok.

Miss Sullivan uploaded videos to TikTok.

Someone added: “This controversy doesn’t even make sense. How can we learn without teachers?”

The love of the elementary school teacher

Miss Sullivan clarified in the comments section that she was staying a brilliant professionand use the comments section to encourage people to become teachers.

“Honestly, I really love my job and I can no longer see myself doing anything else! It’s hard and whole, but there are also a lot of positive aspects,” he says.

Source: Clarin


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