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What vitamins should be taken to prevent hair loss?

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THE hair loss It has ceased to be an aesthetic problem to become a health-related medical concern. In that sense, the vitamins and nutrients in food they occupy a decisive place when it comes to prevention and treatment.

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In autumn or summer, whatever the gender, hair loss or alopecia go beyond the seasons of the year and aesthetic problems.

It is worth clarifying that, by its very nature, hair falls out. That goes beyond prevention and treatment.

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Hairball in the bushes, obvious sign.

Hairball in the bushes, obvious sign.

When to worry about hair loss

“Hair has its own cycle: it is born, grows, falls out and resurfaces. We shouldn’t be alarmed when we find a handful of hair in the shower drain, because it is part of the natural hair cycle,” explains dermatologist Paloma Borregón and broadcasts by Vogue Spain.

According to industry professionals, they can about 100 hairs fall out for the stages it goes through.

Also, generally, 80 or 90% of the hair is in the growing phase and only 10% in the falling phase.

And the fact to highlight is that “in autumn and spring this balance is altered and this explains the seasonal decline that we usually perceive”, he points out.

According to the doctor Juan Jose Andrés Lencina, consultant dermatologist for H&Sthe intensity and duration of the fall is usually one of the key clues.

The causes of hair loss or alopecia are multifactorial.

The causes of hair loss or alopecia are multifactorial.

“If it’s a seasonal fall, it usually lasts about three months. And its intensity increases up to about 20%,” Lencina describes.

Outside of these parameters, they recommend consult a specialist. But not only in those cases but also when a lower density is noticed, a hair a lot thinner and weaker or when the the scalp begins to lighten.

Key vitamins and nutrients for hair

Christine Morantemedical director of the clinic specializing in hair health MC360lack of some vitamins and trace elements can cause hair loss.

Some important ones to mention are:

  • Iron “The effluvium of Telogen can be of origin from deficiency and the stellar deficiency at the origin of the fall is iron”, specifies dr. Martínez Lorenzo, dermatologist at Pilar fruit clinic and collect Vogue.
  • biotin (vitamin B8 or vitamin H). Its deficiency causes a decrease in hair growth.
Foods with magnesium.  Shutterstock photos.

Foods with magnesium. Shutterstock photos.
Baldness or alopecia in a man.

Baldness or alopecia in a man.
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Folic acid

Food, vitamins and hair

Preventing hair loss also involves a healthy diet.

“A healthy and balanced diet will guarantee the necessary supply of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, necessary for the formation of keratin, which is the ‘ray’ that gives strength to the hair,” says dermatologist Eduardo López Bran, of the Clínica Imema .

And emphasizes taking into account the importance of having an adequate intake of iron, zinc, copper, cystine and folic acid in our diet to have healthy hair.

Vitamin B12 present in food.

Vitamin B12 present in food.

Roberto San Antonio-Abadpresident of the National Association of Professionals and Autonomous Natural Therapies (COFENAT), warns foods rich in vitamins B6, B12 and B7 such as walnuts, onions and trout.

Also highlight the Vitamin Apresent in carrots or spinach.

“Don’t forget iron or zinc, which facilitate hair growth and repair while helping to maintain it good condition the sebaceous glands that surround the hair follicles”, says San Antonio-Abad about the minerals that can be found in the soy, egg or lentils.

Source: Clarin

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