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Benefits and negative effects of daily consumption of avocado or avocado

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THE avocado or avocado recently joined the list of superfoods that provide health benefits.

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This plant or fruit has gained prominence in the daily Western diet and has gradually been incorporated into hundreds of recipes. because of their vitamins and nutrients.

But not only do doctors recommend it when it comes to healthy eating, but thanks to properties such as high levels of vitamins D and E, potassium and folic acid, among others, it is a real ally of beauty.

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Benefits of avocado or avocado

Avocados are considered a superfood because they are rich in healthy fats and have endless benefits for our body. Here are some benefits that the site points out Your health.

Avocado important for heart health Photo: Freepik

Avocado important for heart health Photo: Freepik

take care of the heart

Being a fruit rich in phytosterols, it helps reduce blood markers that increase the risk of heart disease, lowering total cholesterol, LDL “bad” cholesterol, and triglycerides.

At the same time, the production increases HDL “good” cholesterolavoiding the accumulation of fatty plaques in the arteries and taking care of the health of the heart.

Regulate your blood sugar

Rich in good fats, low in carbohydrates and with an excellent supply of fibre, it makes this fruit useful for those who suffer from it prediabetes such as diabetesas it helps regulate blood sugar and prevent it from rising.

Promote the increase in muscle mass

muscle mass. Photo: Getty Images

muscle mass. Photo: Getty Images

Consuming avocados before physical activity promotes the formation of muscle mass.

Being high in fat provides energy to the body to carry out the trainingin addition to contributing protein which promote muscle recovery.

Improve skin and prevent aging

The benefits of avocado for skin are mainly fight stretch marks, wrinkles and cellulite to be rich in vitamin C, which helps in the metabolization of collagen, a substance that gives firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Wrinkles on the skin.  Shutterstock photos.

Wrinkles on the skin. Shutterstock photos.

They antioxidant propertiesThey help protect and prevent the aging of skin cells, providing a more beautiful and healthy appearance.

promote weight loss

Avocado is rich in fibers, mainly insoluble, providing 3 g per 100 g of this fruit. These allow you to control your appetite and avoid overeating, because they increase the sense of satiety and regulate blood sugar.

brain and memory

How to have a young brain and a healthy memory.

How to have a young brain and a healthy memory.

The main benefit of avocado for the brain is to improve memory capacitybecause omega-3s stimulate blood circulation and increase the ability to concentrate.

Your contribution by folic acid and magnesium it also helps prevent problems such as depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Negative effects of avocado or avocado every day

Excessive consumption of avocados can be bad.  Shutterstock photos.

Excessive consumption of avocados can be bad. Shutterstock photos.

Despite its many advantages, the excessive consumption It can also have health consequences.

Nutrition experts always stress the importance of not overdoing any food, however healthy it may be, since the basis of a nutritious diet is the variety of foods that provide all the nutrients the body needs, spreads abc.

Fernando Carrascoco-director of nourishing clinichighlights the main negative consequences of excessive consumption of avocados:

Excessive consumption of avocados can lead to weight gain.  Shutterstock photos.

Excessive consumption of avocados can lead to weight gain. Shutterstock photos.
  • Weight gain. “When the caloric intake is greater than our expenditure, we increase our body weight. Therefore, it would not be a good idea to abuse the consumption of foods that provide us with a large amount of calories,” specifies Carrasco.
  • Nutrient deficiency. Although it has a large amount of them, it does not contain all of them, so it is a mistake to eat only avocados.
  • Liver damage. Substances such as anethole or estragole are said to be highly correlated with various liver diseases.
  • Difficulty in digestion. The carbohydrates present in avocados are of the FODMAP type, which are difficult to digest.
Difficulty in digestion.

Difficulty in digestion.
  • allergies. Rarely, it is possible that excessive consumption of avocados could lead to some type of allergy.

By way of advice, the doctor stresses the importance of always consult a health professionalas well as limiting or eliminating the consumption of products of very low nutritional quality, such as processed foods, sausages, sweets and alcoholic beverages.

Source: Clarin

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