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The parents stabbed the man who killed their 16-year-old son

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The parents of a young man murdered at the age of 16 waited in front of the courthouse door for their son’s killer and stabbed him. The 46-year-old man and his 47-year-old wife were arrested by police. The killer was injured even though judicial sources have indicated that his life is not in danger. The parents of the minor who died in 2021 were arrested on charges of attempted murder of the accused of the crime.

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The teenager’s crime took place in 2021 in a public park in Valencia, Spain. At that moment, the perpetrator stabbed the victim in the heart and fled. Then he was arrested. Now the trial had begun and in that circumstance the parents of the victim were waiting for the killer and tried to kill him.

The events took place at 11 in the morning when the young man went to testify in court to agree on measures regarding the 2021 crime, given that the young man is about to leave the juvenile center where he was hospitalized, according to Levante.VME.

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The parents of the murdered young man were arrested.

The parents of the murdered young man were arrested.

The killer received a stab wound in the neck which is not serious, although it was very spectacular. An emergency room attended to him and he should not have been hospitalized.

The murder, in 2021

In December 2021, two teenagers had an argument in a public park in Valencia. One of them stabbed the other, who fell mortally wounded.

The young man's killer was wounded in the neck, although his wound was not serious.

The young man’s killer was wounded in the neck, although his wound was not serious.

“Let’s put tissues on the wound so that no more blood comes out until the police arrive”said JP, 15, a witness to the attack. A video recorded by a person passing through the park shows the moment in which the young people tried to rescue the victim and the arrival of the agents of the Local Police and the State Police, contrary to a first version of the facts which indicated that the victim he received no help from some young men who recorded the assault.

The wounded man is awaiting trial for killing another teenager of the same age, 16, with four stab wounds, one of which in the heart, in La Granja park in Burjassot on 5 December 2021. Both minors had been left to hit through social networks. In fact the alleged (and now injured) killer had already gone to get his victim armed with a pistol and a knife.

Source: Clarin

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