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How to attract good luck: 7 keys according to psychology

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How do I get luck? The million dollar question usually has simple answers, associated with chance, fate, or even a divine force that could come from religion. And the psychology He provided his keys for consideration.

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However, there are people who they seem to be touched with the magic wand. that luck accompanies you at every step, in entrepreneurship, in love and even in health.

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Habits through thick and thin

Trite and realistic specialists agree with the phrase that you have to seek your luck. Something that could also be associated with bad luck.

Lucky elephant.  Photo: Shutterstock

Lucky elephant. Photo: Shutterstock

There are streaks, it’s true, in which the planets are alignedor on the contrary, all evils unite. Of course, in the first case, it is enjoyed and there is no time to question anything, and in the second case the following immediately arises: “What did I do to deserve this?”

Beyond the inevitable possibility, psychology is about the fact that daily behaviors are closely linked to the results we get.

In this line, they appear, to call them in some way, certain Habits to attract luck. Here are some keys that the site lists Psychology and mind.

1. Look for opportunities

Job interview to progress.  Photo: Getty Images

Job interview to progress. Photo: Getty Images

Luck usually doesn’t appear by magic, but rather after look for opportunities. This is why it is also essential to get in touch with many people and have a vast network of contacts.

A classic example is looking for a good job, fighting for it, and doing everything possible to meet the requirements. Even to win the lottery you first have to decide to buy the ticket.

2. Focus on your strengths

For Tim Ferriauthor of the book 4 hour work week“it is much more effective to exploit one’s strengths instead of fighting for one’s weaknesses.”

He states precisely that “studies of the most successful people conclude that people who are lucky in life focus on what they do best. If they don’t master something, they tend to delegate or look for a partner who can compensate for their weaknesses.”

Focusing on your strengths is key.  Photo: AFP

Focusing on your strengths is key. Photo: AFP

3. Positive mindset

A positive mindset is a habit we should all have, because it helps open up a range of options to deal with situations that arise, for better or for worse.

Luck has a lot to do with your attitude and how you think about what you want to achieve, psychologists say.

4. Be realistic

Beyond wishes and speculations, a positive attitude must be associated with aa realistic mindset so as not to mask the situation with false optimism or, even worse, then colliding with frustration.

It is necessary to see things as they are and not through a window showing an unreal world.

5. Get out of your comfort zone and be proactive

Get out of the comfort zone.  Shutterstock photos.

Get out of the comfort zone. Shutterstock photos.

Believe in yourself, face more challenges, seek motivation and fight for your dreams. A divine combination, but one that psychologists relate directly to get out of the comfort zone.

“The problem arises when we stay too long in this area and adopt a conformist attitude. Making the decision to switch might be the best option, but the fear of facing a new situation and the effort to put aside the situation of having everything under control, are what makes a person continue in their own space and not achieve what they really want,” he describes Psychologists of the world.

trust leads to more proactive and have antennae alert to capture opportunities to materialize desires.

6. Patience and perseverance

In summary, if you keep your life in check, adopt a positive mindset, be realistic and look for opportunities, it is much easier for luck to smile.

But, you know, nothing lasts forever. And goals are changing. So patience and perseverance, not giving up on the first unsuccessful attempt, undoubtedly can encourage luck to appear.

Excessive worry can be an obstacle to attract good luck.

Excessive worry can be an obstacle to attract good luck.

7. Avoid victimizing yourself or complaining about others

Lost opportunities can be learning for the future or a Constant concern that becomes an obstacle.

That’s why leaving the past behind and thinking (and acting) to change the present will surely bring luck around the corner.

Source: Clarin

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