Home World News Holy Week: what are the key days for Christianity

Holy Week: what are the key days for Christianity

Holy Week: what are the key days for Christianity

A special and sacred date for Christianity is approaching: Easter. From the Sunday 2nd April until the 9th of the same month, the last days of the life of Jesusbefore his death on the cross and his resurrection.

This party dates back to year 325when the council of niceathe first official meeting between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, made that week official as an Easter celebration for all Western Catholicism.

Every day of Holy Week represents a particular fact, which completes a series of Christian celebrations; Also, some traditional symbols have started gaining popularity over the years, such as the Easter thread or chocolate eggs, depending on the country.

What are the key days of Easter?

The first important day of this week is the Palm SundayWhere is remembered jesus entry into jerusalem. At that time they were placed palm branches in their hands, even if due to the difficulty of finding this plant in places where it does not grow, it was replaced by other local ones, hence the generic name.

Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper.

Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper.

Meanwhile, the Holy thursday represents another important day this week. On that date, the formalization of the Eucharist In the Last Supperjust like him foot washing which Jesus accomplished, washing the twelve poor.

The next day, known as Good Fridaycommemorates the crucifixion and death of Christ. One of the central aspects of this date is the fasting and abstinence from meatAccording to the Catholic Church.

Finally the Easter Sunday will be held on April 9 and represents the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a day to celebrate processions and liturgical activities; Another of the usual traditions is the decoration of eggs, called Easter eggs.

Source: Clarin


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