Every time we get on a plane, there are a lot of them issues we consider. If we have properly issued tickets, up-to-date documentation and the permitted content of what we can bring on board…
And also, of course, we usually pay attention to the clothing we are going to use since, especially on long journeys, the comfort becomes a key element.
In this sense, an expert has revealed that it is also essential to verify What material are the garments made of? with which we will board the plane. A warning that is truly astonishing.
What is the danger of wearing leggings on flights?
If the hose are those chosen to travel, there is bad news, warns an expert second the sun. Why? From security reasons in case of an emergency on board.
Cristina Negroni, the specialist quoted in the media, has published a book about the most mysterious plane crashes in the world. In his pages, he revealed that leggings can be fatalor at least leave important scarsif the plane you are traveling on catches fire or has some kind of accident.
“There could be a cabin fire to escape from or there could be a ground fire once the plane is abandoned,” Negroni said.
She added: ‘Everyone wears this kind of pants on planes now, but it’s comfortable avoid all synthetic fibers because they are more likely to burn and stick to each other if there is a fire. I would recommend wearing cotton clothing or any garment made with natural fibers“.
Another tip: should you take off your shoes or not during the flight?
But that’s not the only thing the expert recommends. In this sense, he recommends don’t take off your shoes during the trip. That’s because if you need to leave the plane in an emergency, the temperatures can be extreme and it’s not nice to be barefoot.
“One of the best things people can do is put on their shoes to take off and land. Many airlines still don’t require this and I think they should,” the expert explained to the sun.
Moreover, in order not to suffer other types of inconveniences, he argued that it is preferable to take gym shoes instead of high heels or flip flops.
“The ideal is to choose gym shoes instead of high heels, natural fibers instead of synthetic tight clothes instead of losing,” he said.
Get ready for key moments
For his part, Dave Inchcaptain of a Boeing 787, planes used by American Airlines and Air Canada, shared his tips on what to do if a plane crashes.
It happens that it is very important especially be prepared for take-off and landing since, according to a study, it is in those moments that the majority of accidents occur.
On Quora, the pilot suggested always remove sharp objects from pockets in the event of an accident, as this can also cause problems.
“Remove any sharp objects from your pockets, loosen your belt and take off your tie or scarf and take off your high heels. Take off your eyeglasses so they don’t fly away and be available to see the release if you need to,” he recommended.
And he added: “It is important to know where the nearest emergency exit and safety for the type of landing [ya que] some sorties cannot be used for water landings.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.