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What is the fruit that helps to fall asleep faster

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Sleep is essential for our well being, we know. However, getting restful sleep is also something that, for several reasons, is usually difficult.

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He dream it’s a complex biological process. When we sleep, even if we are unconscious, our brain and body functions are still active and perform a number of important functions to keep us healthy, describes MedlinePlus.

Therefore, a sleep badly Candies affect our mental and physical healththe way of thinking and daily life, highlights the site.

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Poor sleep can affect our physical and mental health.  Shutterstock photos.

Poor sleep can affect our physical and mental health. Shutterstock photos.

When describing the reasons which can generate this problem as well as mention heart or lung disease AND anxiety disorders or depressionby the way, also highlight the excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, and the age.

However, there is food which, on the contrary, can help us do it stimulate sleep. And one fruit in particular.

What is the fruit that helps to fall asleep faster

Based on what you post The mirrorthe experts of shared because the kiwi allows us to Relax before going to bed and how he can do it let’s feel better long term.

“He Kiwi it’s been in many people’s bedtime routines for several years, and science backs up its bedtime value help us sleep“, they explained.

In this sense they clarified that: “Studies have shown that kiwi can help improve the qualityTHE time and the efficiency to sleep after a month of regular consumption before bedtime.

Thanks to its serotonin and antioxidant content, kiwi helps you sleep better.  Photo: file

Thanks to its serotonin and antioxidant content, kiwi helps you sleep better. Photo: file

The question that immediately arises is why. And the answer was not long in coming: “Kiwis contain large quantities of serotonin and antioxidantsas well as vitamins like folate (vitamin B9), which can help treat sleep disorders and help reset your schedule,” the outlet reported.

More tips for sleeping well

In this sense, experts recommend taking care of the quality of rest do not consume caffeine too lateas they can “take up to 10 hours to completely leave the bloodstream,” so it can interfere with adequate sleep.

In case we do physical activity at night, it’s time to switch up your routine, as studies have found that the Tomorrow it’s the best time to exercise.

“A 2015 study by Yamanaka et al. found that the vigorous exercise before bed disrupts the body’s natural rhythm and it makes it harder to fall asleep,” they noted.

They added: ‘This makes it more difficult to maintain a sleep schedule, as well as reducing the quality of rest achieved after strenuous exercise before bedtime.’

What are the best positions to sleep and rest properly

For some experts, the best sleeping position is face upbecause it evenly distributes the weight of the entire back.

Face up and fetal position are the best sleeping positions.  Shutterstock photos.

Face up and fetal position are the best sleeping positions. Shutterstock photos.

This is because this position minimizes pressure points and ensures proper alignment of the head, neck and spine. In addition, it prevents gastric reflux and can also help relieve pain in the hip and knees.

Another option is the classic fetal positioni.e. sideways and with knees bent.

Of course, it’s crucial not to curl up too much, because it could end up affecting diaphragmatic breathing and end up causing other discomforts.

Source: Clarin

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