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Holy Week: what does Holy Monday mean and what is its origin?

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For what concern Eastereach day represents a special date within the last few days of a Jesus Christ, before being crucified and his subsequent resurrection. During this week, thousands of churches around the world commemorate Christ’s passion, with a number of traditions and beliefs they respect to the letter.

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This Holy Mondaywhich falls to 3rd March, does not have special holidays like the other days of Holy Week, but it has great historical and religious importance. Contrary to the other days of the week, the Church does not have special masses for this date, but continues with the normal service.

What is commemorated on Holy Monday?

This day, also known as “Authority on Monday“, recalls the second day of Jesus from his arrival in Jerusalem. This other name comes from when Christ’s authority has been questionedwhile teaching in the temple courtyard, by a group of elders and priests.

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Procession in Seville, typical of Holy Week.

Procession in Seville, typical of Holy Week.

second Gospel of Matthewthis event took place shortly after the expulsion of merchants from the Temple from Jerusalem, who, having learned that Jesus was not there – he was in Bethany, in Lazarus’ house – had set up a market in that place.

Another event commemorated on this Holy Monday is the anointing of Jesus at the house of[persona]. Lazarus, made by María de Betania, one of his sisters; this moment is reflected in the Gospel of John.

In typical date festivities, in several western cities, processions, but the main ones take place in Spain. Among these, those of León, Granada, Valladolid, Seville and Málaga stand out —in the latter city it is the day of the brotherhoods—.

Source: Clarin

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