For a long time, her intimate life was difficult. She experienced it as a real trauma. Today, thanks to a “saving” medical diagnosis, Evelyn Miller maintain a fulfilling sex life. And even more.
It’s just that this 31-year-old Australian who she has two vaginasnot only was she able to be a mother of two children, but she also accepted her condition and earns almost nothing $60,000 monthly detachment erotic content on OnlyFans and Pornhub.
“I didn’t know what was wrong with me”
At 17, Evelyn tried having sexual intercourse for the first time but something prevented it. This situation continued for a while as his anguish at not knowing what had continued to escalate.
“Simply I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I felt so much anxiety about sex: I was only living with my father at the time, so I had no one to turn to and ask privately,” she said The mirror.
And he explained: “Google was out of the question: I lived on a remote farm and, literally, we only had phone access, so I could not look up my symptoms on the internet“.
Fortunately, in 2011 and after several studies carried out at the Adelaide Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Evelyn he could find out what was wrong.
The diagnosis was clear: I had didelphi uterus. That is, she has a double uterus, two sets of ovaries, and two vaginas, side by side, connected to her cervix. AND everyone is fully functional.
When they explained what his situation was, the professionals clarified that it is a rare condition it affects only about 0.3% of the population and they pointed out that he had a “extreme” version..
“Marketing XXX”: from business to awareness
According to the outlet, this diagnosis gave Evelyn a new lease on life and she decided to use it empower yourself.
So, in 2018, he created an account in onlyfansthe soft porn platform, and, from that moment, started creating erotic content with her husband Tom. Since then, the couple have set up a business “Marketing xxx” Together.
“I’ve always been curious about sex work and sometimes other men are involved as well. It doesn’t really feel like cheating: I have a vagina to work on and another for the couple“The woman explained.
And added in dialogue with The mirror: “It was hugely worth it, because people are very curious: they love that I have two vaginas. It may sound ugly to say, but it can feel incredibly powerful.”
In terms of numbers, the situation is clear. With her videos, the woman earns a significant amount: $14,800 (£12,000) per week
Additionally, Evelyn stressed that the platform gave her the opportunity to do just that raise awareness about uterus didelphys. “I get messages from many women who have had worse problems. Some are unable to have children, which is heartbreaking. In that sense I have been very lucky.”
Being a mom, the best thing that ever happened to her
Despite initially worrying that her condition would make her infertile, Evelyn she was able to conceive in her right uterus in October 2020 and again in November 2021.
In this way, today she is the happy mother of two children: Andrew20 months and GeorgiaOf eight.
“There was always a risk that it might be pregnant with two children at the same time. So much so that when I was pregnant we had to use condoms if we wanted to have sex through the other vagina”.
Although the woman had some complications after giving birth – her children were very small at birth and had to spend months in intensive care -, “now they are both happy and healthy”he concluded.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.