Even though -or perhaps because- it is experiencing a tsunami of bans in several countries these days, Tiktok has become one of the most popular social networksespecially among the younger population.
On this platform, of Chinese origin, you can find all kinds of videos and content, therefore it is easy to attract an audience of all ages.
Although many use it to dance, challenge, tell anecdotes or to promote their work, others decide to share tips or tricks for everyday life, which it allows them to connect with their audience as well as “giving away information”.
This is the case of Natalia, a little girl who came home alone one night and decided to sign up to teach everyone a lesson from TikTok.
In the audiovisual piece that the young woman uploaded to that social network, you can see how she’s doing walking down the street in times when there is little light and very few people around him.
At one point, the girl starts “going live on Twitch” because she feels that a young man is about to rob her and He starts acting like he’s answering live questions.
”What is it like to be an armed military woman? What if I have pepper spray in my bag?” said the young woman to prevent the boy from approaching her as she walked briskly through the streets of her city.
This would be a better tactic than spray or pepper spray scare away all kinds of thieves, stalkers or hooligans, even if as the young woman says “the next day you have a full reel”.
The girl’s video went viral and many people wanted to comment, sending encouragement to the young woman and celebrating what she is such an ingenious and decisive persondespite the terrible situation.
”The worst thing is that we find it funny when it’s totally sad to have to do this to feel safe. Now, as an idea and concept it’s wonderful,” said one user,
”I’ll take my cell phone, ehIt’s like I’m talking to my father” commented another user.
Source: The Vanguard
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.