Home World News Full Moon in Libra in April 2023: meaning and effects on each zodiac sign

Full Moon in Libra in April 2023: meaning and effects on each zodiac sign

Full Moon in Libra in April 2023: meaning and effects on each zodiac sign

The next full moon, which will be the first full moon after the sun enters Aries, takes place in the sign of Libra, the April 6th at 01:34 in Argentina and Chile; 06:34 in Spain; 00:34 in Bolivia and Venezuela; and at 11:34 pm on April 5 in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

The human being, as an inhabitant of the Universe – and in particular of the solar system – is subject to it cycles in which the SunTHE moon and the locations planets.

But Sun and the moon are the most importantas they structure our days, our nights and our calendar.

Our life depends on these two principles: the Sun in its annual journey marks the seasons and the Moon, with a cycle of just over 28 days, is the star that changes the most in the sky as it goes through its phases and the one that he suggested to man the idea of ​​the changing of earthly things.

The influence of the Moon has suggested to man the idea of ​​the mutable.  Photo: Shutterstock

The influence of the Moon has suggested to man the idea of ​​the mutable. Photo: Shutterstock

Full Moon in Libra April 2023: meaning

Since ancient times, astrologers have agreed that the moon greatly influenced man to be the closest star to the earth and they gave it a lot of importance.

THE full moon occurs when both luminaries – the Sun and the Moon – are in opposite degrees of the zodiac and the Sun illuminates the visible face of the Moon with its rays.

When the moon it is full of light, disturbs souls, makes reason lose ground and unleash emotions; Therefore, it is a very auspicious period for the creativityfor the romantic dates and reap the rewards of all that was done during the cycle.

You are more euphoric and situations arise with people who bring answers or solutions to problems. Work initiatives have ingredients that make it easier. One has more fun in full moon encounters.

But the full moon also has a reputation for inciting violence, increases the accidents and emotional crimes. The body tends to change more easily and headaches and migraines are typical of this phase.

If we want something to be disclosed, commented on or disseminatedthis is the moment, preferably it should be done a few hours before the exact opposition.

It’s not a good idea to have surgery during this stage, as the risk of bleeding is higher. THE full moon it is ideal for collecting medical plants or fruits, especially at dawn.

Full Moon in Libra in April 2023: the Pink Moon

THE Full Moon in Libra is known as the “Pink Moon”. Its name comes from the pink musk herb, or wild phlox plant, which is one of first flowers to appear in spring in the northern hemisphere.

The Full Moon in Libra is known as the Pink Moon.  Photo: Shutterstock

The Full Moon in Libra is known as the Pink Moon. Photo: Shutterstock

Even the full moon This month is called “Grass Moon”, “Egg Moon” and among the coastal tribes “Full Fish Moon”, because at this time of year the tarpon came upriver to spawn.

The names of the different full moons are attributed to the tribes algonquins they were the native inhabitants of North America.

Full Moon in Libra in April 2023: its influence

When the moon It’s inside Pound social activities, relationships, art and music are favored. It is a particularly favorable Moon for the emotional commitments.

In general, the Full Moon in Libra is associated with themes relationships, harmony and balance. Libra energy seeks justice and peace, and the Full Moon can bring to light the problems that have formed in these areas.

In the human body, Libra is related to the kidneysrepresents the filtration and distillation function for the balance of the organism, the main activity of the kidney is to free the body from physiological waste by detoxifying the blood.

Libra also rules the general venous systemadrenal glands, lower back and urinary system and, together with Scorpio, the internal genital organs and the vasomotor system.

When the Moon is in Libra, artistic activities and emotional commitments are favored. Photo: Shutterstock

When the Moon is in Libra, artistic activities and emotional commitments are favored. Photo: Shutterstock

What is done on Libra days for those parts/functions of the body will have a doubly effective effect. beneficial, preventive and curativeexcept for surgery.

All that means a greater effort for those areas of the body, on the contrary, it will have more harmful than at other times.

Full moon in Libra in April 2023: effect on the signs

On this occasion the full moon happens in 16th degree Aries/Libra axis with the Sun conjunct Jupiterthe great benefit.

Jupiter it is a planet that it is associated with expansion, abundance, optimism and confidencewhile the moon tells us about ours emotions and emotional needs.

For this reason, it is expected to have a positive effect especially for those with sensitive points in the second decan of the Fire signs -Aries, Leo and Sagittarius-, as well as for Aquarius and Gemini.

For these signs it can be a time of increased connection and understanding in relationshipsas well as an opportunity to make important decisions on the equality and the equity.

For Libra, the full moon is opposite Jupiter, this can mean that there is a expansive and optimistic energy found in tension with the emotional needs of the moment.

Therefore, a Full moon opposite Jupiter can create a tension between these two energies: there can be a tendency to exaggerate emotions or to drink impulsive decisions based on our feelings.

This full Moon is in the 16th degree of the Aries/Libra axis with the Sun conjunct Jupiter, the great beneficent.  Photo: Shutterstock

This full Moon is in the 16th degree of the Aries/Libra axis with the Sun conjunct Jupiter, the great beneficent. Photo: Shutterstock

There may also be a tendency to exaggerate our plans and expectationswhich can lead to a subsequent disappointment. However, it’s also possible that this tension could be harnessed to strike a balance between expansiveness and emotionality.

If we are able tune in to our emotionsand at the same time by maintaining an optimistic and hopeful outlook, we can benefit to make important decisions and move forward with our goals and objectives in a positive way.

In short, a Full moon opposite Jupiter may be an opportunity to find a balance between our emotional wants and needs and our confidence and optimism about the future.

Full Moon in Libra April 2023: Venus

Venusthe planet that rules the sign of Libra, is still transiting the sign of Bull until April 11, when you enter Twins.

In Taurus, Venus displays her best attributes of beauty, joy and joy. Activities related to aesthetics, art, decoration, fashion and ornament will benefit.

This is especially true for those natives with sensitive points in Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo last decan, who will experience very positive moments in your love life.

Venus in Taurus displays its best attributes.  Photo: Shutterstock

Venus in Taurus displays its best attributes. Photo: Shutterstock

It is an ideal time to attend social gatherings, romantic dates, and socialise, as there will be an increased desire to please others.

will be days of rapprochement with loved ones and pleasant meetings. Also, it’s a good time to make new contacts and friends.

Venus It is not only related to the affections but also to the money and comforts, so this period is favorable for these natives to carry out or make contact with any artistic expression or even to carry out Business related to art, music or entertainment, games and investments in general.

However, Venus from Taurus orbits in a adverse angle for Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. For those with sensitive spots in the last decan of these signs, it could translate into a longer period emotional instability which can translate into a lack of understanding with loved ones, relatives or neighbors.

There may be a tendency to mixing heart problems with business, which could lead to frustrations and disharmony. Therefore, in this period, it is not recommended to make important decisions as a couple or to undertake new activities related to fashion, beauty, social life and affection.

Full Moon in Libra April 2023: Mars

Marsthe ruler of the sign where the Sun of the lunation (Aries) is. transiting the sign of its fall -Cancer-where is the planet of action, struggle, activity and war weakened and does not show its best expression.

Mars in Cancer can have a negative impact and synchronize with tensions and conflicts in the familyas aggression often tends to be repressed and internalized, transforming and exploding at home or with intimate partners.

This position favors digestive disorders related to nerves and inner tension.

With Mars in Cancer, the will and fighting spirit are erratic, directed by emotions, moods or impulses of the moment.

This will be especially true for those who have sensitive spots in the first decade of Capricorn, Aries and Librawho will receive this influence from a stress angle.

During this transit you will need to keep your energy at high levels, control impulsive actions. There will be a tendency towards impatience, aggression, moodiness and anxiety. Shake off stress by trying to adapt to possible tense situations.

During this Full Moon, Mars is weakened in Cancer.  Photo: Shutterstock

During this Full Moon, Mars is weakened in Cancer. Photo: Shutterstock

There may be an excess of activity or a decrease in it, emotional conflicts or obstaclessocial, family In both cases it will not be a calm period and nervousness will be present.

They should try avoid impulses, organize and persevere in the face of difficulties. Avoid arguments and verbal confrontation, which can be the order of the day right now.

They should take care, especially in the kitchen, as there may be a tendency for knocks, cuts, burns, a propensity for domestic accidents and damage to objects.

Those who have sensitive points in the first decan of Cancer will receive the dose of extra energy that Mars will impart transiting through its own sign, but taking into account that they should not fall into impulsive or thoughtless actions.

Impatience, anger, aggressive or thoughtless behavior can cause serious problems,

For the other Water signs -Pisces and Scorpio- and to a lesser extent Virgin AND BullTHE the influence of Mars in Cancer guides and activates with an extra dose of energy and initiative, with a desire to do. Good time to reinvigorate mind, body and spirit.

Source: Clarin


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