According to the Commission for the Promotion of Gallística in Mexico, the cockfights They date back to the 18th century and although initiatives to ban them have advanced in the last decade, due to the fact that fighting cocks are mutilated of their red comb, which goes against animal health regulations, they are still they are legal in many states of that country.
It should be noted that, in 2018, veracruz it became the first to formally ban them to end animal abuse, but in this context the brutality of this practice that ends the lives of birds continues to be carried out.
However, it’s not always the roosters who end up injured or killed. This time, the one that got the worst part was the owner of one of those animals.
A bird attacked its owner just as he was starting a cockfight in the Mexican city of Villa de Álvarez, in the state of Colina. The incident was filmed by bystanders and spread this week on social media.
As can be seen in the images, after the animal has been released to face another in a duel, it quickly lunges at its keeper and wounds him in the leg, at calf level. The cockerel reacts and manages to hold the animal for a few seconds and prevent him from continuing his assault.
According to local media, the injury was caused by one of razors that are usually strapped to the legs of roosters to deal maximum damage to your opponent.
After the attack, the man bends over to check himself and is watched just as slowly a pool of blood begins to form around it. Some people come to your rescue and put a tourniquet on your leg to stop the bleeding. At that moment they noticed it also had cutsone of them even in the arm.
The man was removed from the scene and taken by ambulance to the nearby hospitalwhere the scars were done.
Cockfighting is usually done on a regular basis during the regional fairs and other traditional festivals. Although efforts to prevent them have advanced in recent years, many Mexicans still appreciate this horrible way of gambling money, at the expense of animal health.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.