A woman has sparked a debate on social media after admitting that she she’s considering picking her daughter up from school after meeting some of her other fellow fathers.
The anonymous mother took to Mumsnet, a popular British parenting advice forum, to ask others about their concerns about the appearance of her daughter’s other parents.
Explaining her situation, the mother revealed it initially she was happy to send her daughter to a public schoolbecause it has a mix of socially speaking people and it does not condition children for exams as much as other institutionswhich makes it less stressful.
But now, she says, she’s having second thoughts, as “parents who leave and take her are not like her at all.” She wrote, “DC (daughter’s initials) just started reception at a ‘good’ primary (Ofsted) fairly close to our home.”
‘We’ve said before that it didn’t matter if DC actually went to these schools. So we chose what we thought was a happy community school for them.”
“This is where I sound awful, and I know it, but in the darkest part of your heart you may agree with me, so bear with me.. Parents who drop off and pick up their children are not like me at all. A dad with a neck tattoo zipped around the playground on an electric scooter while his son watched.”
“All the other parents thought it was great. Where did you get that, etc, etc? The man with the neck tattoo says ‘Alan, because he’s in jail, right?’ ‘Oh yeah, I was wondering why you weren’t here yesterday’, etc., etc.
“A very brave tutor came out and kindly asked him to stop riding his scooter, and after we got back on board, he and this giant band of parents charged her. The day before I was waiting about two women who were comparing the different ways they lie at school”.
“DC seems happy enough, but I’m also a little upset that we haven’t had any communication on how they’ve settled in, even though they’ve been there for three weeks. Not a word.”
“I know I’m a snob for not wanting my child around the offspring of parents like this, but a small part of me wants to pull out of DC and put them in one of the other local schools, where I know some parents who definitely aren’t illegally using electric scooters around.”
Several respondents felt that doubts were reasonable about wanting to take their child out of school, and some shared their stories of why they switched schools for their children.
One added: “I withdrew DS from such a school and also didn’t encourage an activity he wanted to do, precisely because the parents were downright rude.” Some were scary. “He was also bullied and the bully’s parents thought it was funny and DS just needs to step up.”
He is now in a private school where most of the parents have careers and it is like night and day. I won’t even apologize for being a snob; Truly I don’t see us dating most old school parents, so I don’t expect my kids to either.
Meanwhile, another revealed that he moved house to prevent his son from attending a school they considered “tough”.
They wrote, “I moved away to experience something similar. Before my DC was into school age, we lived in a city and I regularly encountered unsupervised little kids who would call me names and damage cars.”
“We’d find needles in park toilets, adults leaving their rubbish all over the park, drunk people fighting outside when the pubs filled up, and so much more.”
“We moved because I didn’t want my DC to grow up in that environment and we were lucky to be able to afford it. He had never bothered me before, but when my 2-year-old asked me why that man can’t stand up or why those people don’t pick up the trash, I got desperate.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.