He April 20, 2023 at 01:12 in Argentina and Chile; 00:12 in Colombia; 06:12 in Spain; and at 11:12 pm on April 19 in Peru, Mexico, Ecuador and Panama, a particular solar eclipse called hybrid takes place in the 29th degree of the sign of Aries.
What is an Eclipse?
One of celestial events most studied by astrologers are the eclipse. The word “eclipse” comes from the Latin “eclipse” and from the Greek “ekleipsis”what does it mean “disappearance”.
In fact: the eclipse are the temporary, partial or total disappearance of a Star Due to interposition of another celestial body before the eyes of the observer.
THE eclipse are special events that occur on the ecliptic, the path of the Sun through the different constellations. Both solar and lunar eclipses occur every year.
A solar eclipse, which occurs during the New Moon, temporarily darkens the day turning into night. A lunar eclipse, Instead. takes place during the full moon and seems to erase our satellite from the sky.
On a new moon the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction in the same sign and degreewhile in one the full moon is opposite.
April 2023 hybrid eclipse: what it is and where it will be seen
A hybrid eclipsealso known as an annular-total eclipse, is a rare event in which the shadow of the Moon is projected on the Earth and, in certain areas, the Moon completely covers the Sun; while, in other areas, it covers it only partially.
This happens when the moon it’s enough close to the earth and its cast shadow is small enough that totality is only visible in a very small area, while only an annular eclipse is visible in other areas.
This April 20, the Moon’s shadow will pass through the east of AsiaNorthern Australia and some Pacific islands. The zone of totality will begin east of China and will move eastward, passing through the south of Japanthe ocean Calm and ending north of Australia.
What does an eclipse mean for astrology?
Ptolemy considered the eclipse AS “general judgments”that is, those which in one way or another concern us all, and which could be interpreted as signs or omens of important events.
THE solar eclipses were particularly significant as they represented a temporary blackout of the Sun, which symbolizes -especially in Leo It’s inside Aries (where this eclipse occurs)- that authority and power concerned.
The Greek astrologer stated that the solar eclipses they were a sign of great changes in society and which could be interpreted as a warning or as a call to action.
Is that the solar eclipses they are significant events with which they are often associated great changes and transformations. These are particularly powerful thanks to the intensity of the energy flow that is released during the eclipse.
A solar eclipse -which, as we said, occurs in New Moon- tends to score you startbut it can also symbolize the momentary disappearance of our inner potential.
With a Sun eclipse we hear the lack of personal powerof the will, of the ability to visualize the goals.
It happens that the The sun is the giver of life and energyand its darkening in the sky – even for a short time as it happens in a eclipse– is a sign of absence of it.
Is there an interaction between eclipse and devitalizationso we can hear each other more tired, stressed or down during a solar eclipse.
Hybrid eclipse of April 2023: its influence on each sign
Astrology is based on Correspondence law and analogy What does he say: “As above so below, as below so above to perpetuate the miracle of Unity”.
In this way, a celestial event (macrocosm) corresponds to a terrestrial event (microcosm) in the same direction and direction.
Because the Sun and the Moon represent Conscious and unconscious factors respectively, during an eclipse, when dimmed or opaque, each generates a conflict that causes a mobilization.
THE crisis which is generated might have to do with the need to rearrangement, rearrangement or life problems that require more attention and energy.
This eclipse occurs in 29th degree of the sign of Ariesdirected by Marsplanet associated with initiative, energy, leadership, courage, impulsiveness, impatience, independence and action.
He Sun and the moon of the eclipse I’m inside Square Plutowhich could indicate profound and powerful transformations.
Pluto is known in astrology as the planet of transformationand its influence can be intense and inspiring in times of transition. A square is a tense aspect that indicates conflict and challenge, which can cause the Pluto square eclipse is particularly tumultuous or disruptive.
TO personal levelThis eclipse could lead to profound and radical changes in the sense of power, control and personal transformation.
This look is influencing to those who have sensitive spots at the end of the Cardinal signs -Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn- or in the first degrees of the Fixed Signs -Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius-.
THE eclipse moon and mars I’m inside mutual acceptance (A is in the sign of B and vice versa) which can give the eclipse a aggressive and emotional look.
MarsEclipse disposer is in its fall signin which the planet is weak and can manifest itself as a certain limitation in the ability to express itself.
In this case, there may be some difficulty expressing the energy of Mars clearly and directly, which may lead to some frustration and tensionthis will be especially true for those who have sensitive points in the mid-degrees of the cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.
Hybrid solar eclipse of April 2023 and Mercury retrograde
A few hours from eclipsealso produces the Mercury retrograde inside sign of the bull.
Mercury is the planet of communication and information, its retrograde in Taurus, a sign associated with stability and material security, can lead to situations where we have to review and rethink our financial and business plans.
THE conjunction with Uranusa planet associated with the unpredictable, can generate surprises and unexpected events that require quick and creative adaptation.
This will be especially true of those with sensitive points in the middle degrees of the Fixed signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.
It will be important which point or house of the natal chart affects the eclipse and in which sector (astrological house) it is to know where its consequences can manifest themselves more clearly, but for this we will have to know our natal chart since we can have planets in sensitized points, even if we do not know it.
He eclipse it must not fall only on our sun sign why it affects us. THE eclipse they bring about unexpected changes in direction or events that seem “destined” to happen when they touch a sensitive point on the card. The zone of occurrence of the eclipse is the affected area where its effects are most intensely felt.
The effects of the eclipse according to your Ascendant
If you Upward is in Aries: the eclipse can affect you personally and temporarily change your mood, you will need to pay attention to the impression you make on others.
If you Upward is in Taurus: the eclipse it affects personal finances which will surely require more order and organization.
If you Upward is in Gemini: the eclipse It will affect issues associated with communication, studies, neighbors and siblings. Be careful with words.
If you Upward is in Cancer: for the eclipse issues related to the home and parents or the relationship with them that could go through a period of instability will have to be addressed.
if you aascending is in Leo: the eclipse It can indicate instability in the affective, creative or relational area with children in general and with children in particular.
If you Upward is in Virgo: the eclipse It can be synchronized with many ups and downs in your work environment and in relation to co-workers, health care.
If you Upward is in Libra: the eclipse It can affect the couple and cohabitants, ups and downs in the marital or relational field.
If you Upward is in Scorpio: the eclipse It affects your 8th house, which can indicate alternating cycles with money in this period, the desire to earn more, but also some danger of losses in terms of assets.
If you Upward is in Sagittarius: the eclipse affects your 9th house, there may be an increase in the desire to travel and move, but with no practical effect.
If you Upward is in Capricorn: the eclipse it will affect your 10th house, there can be ups and downs in prestige, ambition needs to be backed up by compelling action.
If you Upward is in Aquarius: the eclipse It will affect your eleventh house, the effects of which can be marked by ups and downs in matters related to friends and extreme fickleness in projects.
If you Upward is in Pisces: the eclipse indicates that it is a good time to address health issues, it can indicate a certain mental instability. Favorable time for spiritual or meditation retreats.
THE rules of the astrological tradition recommend do not start anything at times of eclipse because what is started will not work as expected.
That’s why it’s better do not consider new projects in times of eclipse, Do not make proposals or make important decisions. If someone comes with a offerwill have to consider it carefullyand having observed it in every way, proceed.
By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of Astrology and Tarot. On Instagram: @oroskopo
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.