THE extraterrestrial life it is something that reveals the world. So, for decades, in films, series and drawings they imagined what these strange beings would look like. But today, the artificial intelligence (AI) it can give us a much more concrete idea of what the inhabitants of each planet in the Solar System would be like.
the website of Very interesting used the Midjourney platform powered by artificial intelligence with which images can be created from descriptions, to create faces and bodies of the inhabitants of nearby planets, including Planet Earth.
Subsequently, the characteristics of beings of Jupiter to Mercurypassing through Saturn and Venus plus the rest of the beings and in the impressive images developed by Artificial Intelligence.
Cold and desert, with huge canyons and volcanoes, Mars has always been of great interest to scientists.
It’s about the one planet he went to sent a rover, like the Perseverance. Its inhabitants are worthy of a science fiction film, capable of generating panic.
When it is mentioned Mercury It is associated with a solid surface, mainly composed of silicate rocks or metals.
This quality might make life easier for your beings, but it lacks atmosphere and is too hot for life as we know it. So his resemblance to humansdescribes the site Fayer Wayer.
According to the physical parameters, Venus It also bears a resemblance to Earth. practically of same size and densitythey explain, their compositions are similar and both are surrounded by an atmosphere of clouds.
The key is in the temperature: on Venus, clouds are made of sulfuric acid and it is extremely hot (453 ºC on average).
For Artificial Intelligence, humans inhabiting the Planet Earth They look just like they do today. It was expected…
The Midjourney platform got creative with Jupiter, the mighty gas giant of the Solar System.
For its living beings, the AI appealed fascinating traits that appeal to doubt.
Saturn is a ball of hydrogen and helium, with them rings visible from Earth.
The inhabitants of this characteristic planet resemble, one might say, the aliens imagined by some filmmakers.
Almost 80% of the area of Uranus is covered ice and frozen material consisting of methane, water and ammonia.
Because of this, it creates an icy and ultra-cold atmosphere. Their species may be celestial beingsif you recall a color linked to that characteristic.
Everyone joins immediately Neptune with a rain of diamonds. Considered a site with little chance of second life as we consider it here, due to the increase in temperature and pressure.
For the AI. its inhabitants would be able to do so breathe in hostile conditions.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.