Home World News NATO was Ukraine’s arsenal and Russia started the gas war, cutting off supplies to Poland and Bulgaria

NATO was Ukraine’s arsenal and Russia started the gas war, cutting off supplies to Poland and Bulgaria

NATO was Ukraine’s arsenal and Russia started the gas war, cutting off supplies to Poland and Bulgaria

NATO was Ukraine's arsenal and Russia started the gas war, cutting off supplies to Poland and Bulgaria

The logo of the Polish gas company, affected by the cut in Russia. Photo: AFP

The meeting on Tuesday at the U.S. base in Ramstein, Germany, of defense ministers from 43 countries gathered by the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, and the head of U.S. diplomacy, Antony Blinken, opens a new stage of war in Ukraine, which was now exacerbated by Moscow’s decision to reduce gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria.

The purpose of the meeting with Ramstein was to open a collection of such important and dangerous measures because of President Putin’s reaction (the Russians continue to threaten to reach a Third World War if necessary), which according to the Secretary of Defense that Lloyd Austin not only strengthens the resistance of Ukrainians, but instead combines the hope that win the war against Russia.

The United States, at the command of thirty NATO countries, the Western military alliance, organized a meeting and a coordination center that was key to creating a heavy arsenal.

The Pentagon chief was explicit at the Ramstein meeting. “We are here to help Ukraine win the battle against Russia.” Ukraine has done an extraordinary job defending itself against Russian aggression. “


“But now the situation on the battlefield has changed with the Donbas offensive to the east and south. There is a sense of urgency that we all understand. “

Lloyd launched a deep blow to make Putin and others understand the scale of America’s commitment. “We will do our best. including the mobilization of our industrial base”.

The Pentagon leader thus inspired the massive U.S. industrial power that was once again replaced by the war effort during World War II and became key to strengthening the role of North America’s superpower.

“It can To move fastthere is no time to lose and we must act in the rhythm of the war ”, Lloyd said at the end of the harangue.

Another year of war?

The North Americans they estimated that the war would last, even the contribution of a mountain of modern weapons can change the battle. Some Pentagon militaries believe the fighting could end in a year or more.

Germany, accused of being overly cautious because of its intense reliance on Russia’s oil and gas, made the first important offer.

He appeared at Ramstein’s meeting announcing the delivery of armored Gepard equipped with anti-aircraft guns. The Bavarian Krauss-Maffel industry says it has 50 animals ready to deliver. Great Britain offered new anti-aircraft missiles and Canadian tanks and armor.

Italy confirmed the second delivery of anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems, mortar and ammunition. And he promised a third shipment of ammunition and heavy weapons for the next few days.

At the end of the meeting, it was announced that the management of the shipment would be accompanied by Eucom, the USA command in Europe and a Donor Coordination Center, based in Stuttgart.

The Red Army attacks to the east and south with estimated power at 75% capacity. Artillery and missiles destroy to facilitate infantry attackswhile Ukrainians try to keep their distance to better control losses.

The United States, Canada, and the Netherlands provided cannons and several rocket launchers with guided projectiles. Special radar for artillery gives a good result. They too drones-kamikasesself -destructive in effect, such as the Turkish TB2, or the “ghost” Phoenix and Switchblade, strengthened Ukrainian forces.

Poland and Slovakia contributed Russian tanks are similar to those used by the Ukrainian army, which makes it possible to avoid training. But now comes Western -designed media. Such as the venerable Leopard offered by Germany and also available on deposits of Italy and Switzerland. Operating these armored vehicles and repairing them requires practice, although it will be fast.

Great Britain proposed a circular change to the Poles by passing their armored challengerwhich in turn handed over to the Ukrainians their T72 tanks.

Germany began moving armored vehicles carrying two radar-enabled machine guns to Poland.

For air cover, which has already damaged a part of Russian aviation, they will increase the Stinger, Mistral, the Slovakian Strela and S300 missiles.

The advent of so much war material requires increase transportation networks and guarantee their safety as much as possible. The Russians are studying how to avoid it. They began attacking with missiles and aircraft the train networks carrying cargo from Poland, Romania and Slovakia from western Ukraine where NATO planes were arriving.

The Russians They also attack routes where trucks rotate. and vans carrying weapons coming to the western borders.

Russia has cut gas to Poland and Bulgaria

Ang gas war It officially began on Wednesday morning when Russian giant Gazprom announced that it had completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. But the Poles insist the cuts began on Tuesday, already raised the price of gas to 107 megawatts in the Amsterdam market, which serves as a reference for the whole of Europe.

On Wednesday the price of gas was registered in the same Amsterdam increased by 16%.

According to the Russians, the proposal was motivated by the refusal of the Polish company PGNIG to accept the decision to force customers to convert payment into rubles instead of coins decide on contracts, euros and dollars.

Gazprom said the proposal was applied because of Poland not comply with payment in rubles of methane payments from April 1.

The Poles refused to accept Russia’s imposition that it says it is a breach of contractssigned in euros and dollars by European customers.

“It startedor another blackmail in Europe”, Commented President Zelensky’s chief of staff in kyiv.

The scheme announced a few weeks ago by President Vladimir Putin predicts that Russia’s gas importers open two Gazprom bank accounts: one in rubles and one in foreign currency.

Amounts coming in euros or dollars should be convert to rubles to perfect the payment.

The European Union affirmed that this was a maneuver already violating the sanctions established by Western countries against Russia for the invasion of Ukraine The Polish government has said it has no supply problems.

Russian methane purchases have fallen sharply in Poland in recent times. The poles have ample reserve and ensure that they meet all obligations to the public.

Poland has a liquid gas field at Swinoujsele which is one of the largest in Europe. From early May, the new gas pipeline connecting it to Lithuania will begin operations.

Bulgaria, on the other hand, you have a problem right away because he announced that he would not renew the agreement that would end at the end of 2022. Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that “in the current situation we cannot afford any negotiations and we will look for alternative sources.”

The situation in Poland and Bulgaria may spread to other parts of Europe. The most engaged countries are Germany, which depends 51% on Russia’s methane supplies, and Italy, which imports 30% of its needs from gas pipeline coming from Russia.

Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov said that “The new payment method must be respected. Everyone knows that sooner or later gas will be the weapon in this battle. Russia has decided to anticipate the move “.

Rome, correspondent.


Source: Clarin


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