A famous veterinary influencer has detailed, in a video he uploaded on TikTok, what are for him the four breeds of cats that they should never be bought for “issues”; and the feline lovers became involved in an argument that is still ongoing.
In the video, just over 2 and a half minutes long, the professional who calls himself on the networks Ben the vetshe explained that “I would still adopt any breed of cat but that one I would not support the breeding of some.”
Among the “problems” that the influencer detailed for each breed of cat that he advises against having, there are behavioral difficulties to various health conditions.
Appearance, bad temper and usual health problems
In the first place of the “undesirable” cats, the vet placed the bengal cat:“They are beautiful cats [con] nice coats, I see why people like them,” Ben told his followers.
“Which many people don’t know is that I’m a hybrid between a wild cat called the Asian leopard cat and domestic cat breeds,” he said.
“AS they are still quite wild in terms of behavior and temperament and in veterinary wards they have a reputation for being quite aggressive,” said the expert.
He added: “It’s usually out of fear, but really they can be quite dangerous guide”.
The second place is occupied by sphinx cat. “Nothing against them, they’re good cats. But I’d rather cuddle a fluffy cat,” she explained.
He Scottish wildcat is in third place in the list of influencers. And he advised that he already has one learn about common health problems.
“His curled ears, which are actually his most defining feature, actually are due to a cartilage disorder”, he detailed.
“The problem is that this defective cartilage it is also found in most joints and that means they commonly develop painful arthritis at a young age,” he added.
“For me, it’s just cruel and unfair and could never support his education,” he concluded.
Finally, and for similar reasons to the previous one, the vet explained why you shouldn’t adopt a Persian cat.
“I’ve seen Persian cats whose noses look inverted across their faces and eyes bulge beyond the nose. People don’t realize they may have respiratory difficulties as well as flat-faced dog breeds,” she said.
She explained, “His nostrils are too small. All the bones in his nostrils are bunched together and thick they have a long soft palate down the throat”.
“Your tear ducts usually don’t work properly, so everyone puddles around your eyes. Because of the shape of their head, they are very prone to eye problems, such as corneal ulcers.”
The vet also mentioned the disease heart, polycystic kidney and dental as common problems afflicting the Persian race.
“I am a health disaster in general and for that reason I could never buy one.”
And there was a lot of debate
The video, which has so far amassed more than 550,000 likes and nearly 10,000 comments, started a heated debate among TikTok users.
“Poor Persians really need an eye opener,” one wrote and another posted: “Poor wild Scots. They are sweet cats but live in a lot of pain“.
Some, however, owners of the breeds mentioned in the influencer’s clip have defended their cats and criticized that “health problems” is one reason valid for not having them.
So what would be the solution?”He asks one and he answers:“ I know, we killed them all. It would be better.”
And you what breed of cat do you have?
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.