The Moon, through its different phases, influences us on different aspects of our lives. And we also feel its effects during a lunar eclipse, a phenomenon that it mobilizes us inside in any case.
This Friday, May 5, we will witness the first lunar eclipse of the year. It will be an approaching lunar eclipse taking place in 14th grade 59 of the sign of Scorpio.
When a lunar eclipse occurs, our emotions and feelings can overflow and even be clearly perceived by others.
It happens that the moon it is related to ours unconscious factors and, since during an eclipse the Moon becomes dull or dark, this generates a mobilization which can be related to a reorganization of vital matters which surely require more attention and energy.
As we said, this lunar eclipse occurs in Scorpioa Fixed and Water sign it represents profound changes and transformations; a sign associated with death and resurrection; a strong sign, passionate and instinctive
Due to the influence of the sign, This lunar eclipse will face our elders fears, frustrations or to situations that concern us and will give us the strength to face changes and solutions.
Therefore, we must harness the incredible power of this lunar eclipse in scorpio For cut with everything that hurts us, renew energy and resurface with all the good and positive that we deserve.
Here are two rituals a get all the boost from this unique phenomenon to cut envy, renew energy and attract money.
May 2023 lunar eclipse: Ritual to attract money
Three hours before the eclipse, we place three coins in a window. Next, we prepare an altar with a yellow candle, a glass of water and a spoonful of coarse salt on the left side.
During the eclipse, we light the candle, visualize ourselves enveloped in a yellow-gold aura and see ourselves receiving everything we deserve. Let’s meditate for a few minutes thinking about the abundance we deserve that the Universe brings us. Finally, let’s say “Thanks thanks thanks”.
Once the candle has gone out, mix the salt in the water and pour it all with the left hand into a pot or place with earth.
We leave the coins in the window for 30 days. Once the time is up, we keep them in our purse or wallet and leave them there until the wishes come true. So they can be used without any problems.
Lunar eclipse of May 2023: Anti-envy ritual to attract good energies
During the eclipse and under the influence of the Moon -or as close as possible to a window-, we prepare an altar with a white candle, a glass of water with a few drops of vinegar and a lemon cut into quarters.
Furthermore, while we perform the ritual, we perfume the environment with lemon incense.
After lighting the candle, we close our eyes and, for a few minutes, imagine ourselves enveloped in a brilliant white aura that radiates light and protects us completely.
As we do this, we repeat this sentence three times: “Mighty Moon, give me all your strong energy to be able to face the evil and those who envy me and help me rise to the good with all your strength. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
We meditate for a few more minutes with our eyes closed, observing how we get everything we want without hindrance as the people we feel are holding us back walk away.
Once the candle has gone out, we pour the water with the left hand into a pot or in a place with earth and leave the lemon for a while in a place in the house where we usually stay. When it turns brown, we throw it away.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.