Francisco was surprised by the particular request to the mothers -in -law: “Watch your tongue,” he warned them. Photo: AFP
In a regular audience every Wednesday in Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis called strengthen the bond between the young and older generations to get through the crisis period. But he did so with a stark warning to the in-laws: “be careful with your tongues“.
The pope stressed the importance of restarting relationships between in-laws and daughters-in-law in finding a new generation bonds.
“The relationship between son-in-law and father-in-law is not always easy. The mother’s jealousy weighs on the intolerance of the young brides,” the Pope admits.
“To you, in -laws, I say: be careful with your tongues. This is one of the sins of in -laws, the tongue, “he warned.

The Pope called for strengthening the relationship between child and adult. Photo: Reuters.
In his speech he said that there are common areas about family relationships created by marriage, especially “between father-in-law and daughter-in-law” so he asked “succeeded the most common biases“.
“Now the father -in -law is a mythical character. Let’s not think of the father -in -law as a demon or an evil figure,” Francisco said. “The mother -in -law is your wife’s mother or your husband’s mother,” he said.
“It is necessary to overcome the thought that the farther she is, the better. No, she is a mother, she is old,” the Pontiff stressed.
Francisco recalls that “the best thing for grandmothers is to see their grandchildren”; and asked the young manmake them happy“.
Francis not only encouraged young people’s understanding of adults. He also stressed that in-laws “must do their part” to heal or for the relationship to work.
“If they have defects, correct them. You too, father -in -law. Because jealousy is dangerous for your own child,” he stressed.
To close the topic, Francis taught that “youth proves capable of giving new enthusiasm to mature age” and that “old age shows itself capable of reopening the future for wounded youth” and stressed the importance of “an alliance of generations.”
After that particular request, the Pope returned to make new call for peace for the war Russia unleashed on Ukraine; and received drawings from 11 orphaned children who were present at the Plaza and escaped the bombs dropped on their country.
There, he received the children’s gift and kissed the flag of his country.
The Pontiff is still suffering on his knees and apologizes to the faithful present in the audience because can’t stand for greeting.
Among those who gathered at the end of the hearing was also a group of transsexuals adopted by the parish of Torvaianica, whom they confronted in the midst of the pandemic.
With information from Ana
Source: Clarin