Glitz, circumstance, tradition and a fragmented family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Charles III and Queen Camilla On Saturday afternoon, they went out onto the balcony for the first time to greet their subjects, who gave three cheers and sang “God save the King”, “God save the queen”.
it seemed unreal for those who have followed psychodrama real of the House of Windsor. A triumph for perseverance, thanks to the “spin doctors”, who worked in the long process of rehabilitation of Carlos and Camilla to be acceptable to their subjects, after their adultery and the death of Princess Diana.
On the balcony, covered by the classic red and gold skirt, the image of a “lean” British but fragmented working-class monarchy. The subjects don’t ask who is there but if the missing have been forgiven.
Wreaths on the balcony
With ermine cloaks, crowns on their heads, Carlo and Camilla were surrounded by their pages, children of friends, grandchildren of both in this unforgettable moment.
But only the “working class” royal family accompanied them on this historic day. There were William and Kate, the future heirs, little George, who will succeed them, Charlotte, who will be the “Harry” of her time as a replacement, little Louis, who will be lost in the line of succession like his current uncle Edward Duke of Edinburgh. The elderly and experienced Dukes of Kent stood on the King’s left. The grandchildren of Camilla and her sister Elliot were added.
On the famous balcony, where the British celebrated weddings, jubilees, funerals and triumphs in war, there weren’t even Prince Andrew, banned by the pedophilia scandal of the Epstein case, nor Prince Harry, arrived in London for 24 hours to attend the coronation of the king as a son, on the most important day of his father’s life. Two war veterans.
But there’s no sign of a reconciliation in sight for Harry with the Windsors afterward a fracture that seems insurmountable. Harry won’t accept Queen Camilla easily, after the role of “harmful stepmother” that has been granted to her in her biography. His only contacts are Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice, daughters of Prince Andrew, who are not part of the working-class royal family, and the Tindalls, sons of Anna, the royal princess.
Moved from the royal family
But bandits are part of the history of the British monarchy. At the coronation of George IV, her wife, Queen Caroline, was barred entry by her husband the King. She tried to participate in the ceremony three times and was applauded by the audience.
After the crisis of Edward VIII’s abdication for love of Wallis Simpson, who was called Duke of Windsor, the great fear of real it was that he would appear at the coronation in 1953. Such was the concern that Winston Churchill warned him that he would not be welcome. Wallys Sympson syndrome continues to worry the royal family. He has become a recurring ghost.
The coronation on the balcony resembled a mini jubilee. 81 helicopters passed, including the Merlins and Apaches, which Harry flew to Afghanistan as a fighter. Then came the Red Arrow Nine, the Royal Aie Force aerobatic team.
Wearing the regalia of state and St Edward’s Crown, the king first appeared on the west terrace of the palace alongside the new queen. Hundreds of soldiers saluted him in the palace garden.
Queen Camilla heard for the first time the cry that her ex-military husband, Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles, had raised many times in other ceremonies: “Hip, Hip, Hooray”, this time in her honor as the new British sovereign.
Then they received the joyful greetings of their subjects, to whom Carlos promised to “serve”.
Sad kings?
But the question was whether rulers enjoyed this gathering with their people from the balcony. During the ceremony at the abbey, the king looked gloomy, distant, exhausted, sad. She barely smiled and waved wearily from the wagon. It was probably her eternal back pain.
Queen Camilla feared her heavy crown. He made her uncomfortable and she didn’t feel safe walking in her and with the cloak in the abbey. At the palace she was more confident and smiling.
The notoriously frugal monarch wanted a smaller, “cheaper” event than Queen Elizabeth’s. Britain is in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis.
This is why the coronation was different from that of the mother in 1953: modest but also impenetrable with its unforgettable rites and music.
The queen’s ceremony lasted three hours. Carlos intended to do the of him in 95 minutes and honor the military.
Behind all the regalia and glitz, there are thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen who make it possible. They are joined by a legion of cleaners, caterers and waiters who helped bring about the coronation. To them the king wanted to say thank you.
“I have never been so tired in my life,” acknowledged Lord Carrington, son of the former British chancellor, and now Grand Chamberlain and co-ordinator of coronation rehearsals, calendar and agenda. Many feel like him.
seventy years of waiting
In this millennial coronation, the royal family has embraced the ancient traditions and values of the 21st century to stay. Carlos III waited 70 years to take the throne. Next to him is Camilla, the woman who never dreamed of becoming queen.
With this ceremony they began to define what their reign will be like, what their measures will be to apply their DNA, if the “Slim” monarchy is technically possible and to what extent they will manage to get their children reconciled for the stability of the House of Windsor.
His son William swore allegiance and touched his crown after kissing him. An indication that the monarchy will continue, as it was hundreds of years ago.
B. C
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.