To take advantage of the virtues of ginger tea, there are several aspects to take into consideration. Between them, the time it will be ingested.
However, the first point is to focus on its virtues. What are its effects? Numerous nutritional and therapeutic properties are attributed to this plant of Asian origin whose root is widespread in Western countries, according to the El Mundo website.
What is ginger tea used for?
According to the International Journal of Acupuncture, the infusion has the following benefits:
– It’s anti-inflammatory.
– Has antioxidant properties.
– Provides an analgesic action against various pains, such as muscles, migraines or arthritis.
– Relieves colds, flu processes, fever and sore throat.
– Counteracts heavy digestions.
– Reduces abdominal swelling, intestinal problems and nausea.
– Helps control cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and maintains good circulation.
– Speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat.
When to drink ginger tea
As for the time of day indicated for this infusion, the El Mundo note makes some distinctions.
For those with problems to fall asleep or usually have digestive disorders, it is best to take it before going to sleep.
While, on an empty stomach or first thing in the morning, it will give more well-being and comfort to start the day.
How to prepare ginger tea
Lila Blogger explains in his blog La Cocina de Lila, the following steps:
- Take a piece of fresh ginger of about 30 grams.
- Peel it and grate it gently.
- Cut the ginger and half a lemon into thin slices.
- Pour it into a pot with hot water.
- Let it boil for about 20 minutes.
- Leave to rest for 10 minutes, filter with a sieve and it will be ready to drink.
Unless specifically indicated by a specialist doctor, it can be taken every day.
In place potential life, Dr. Isabel Belaustegui points out some caveats and side effects.
One of them is the decrease in the rate of blood clotting. Therefore, caution should be exercised when combined with certain medications, such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Even if the person is going to have surgery soon.
However, it is not indicated in cases of arterial hypertension or if there are gallstones, ulcers and hyperacidity.
While in cases of diabetes, pregnancy or breastfeeding it is important to consult the family doctor.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.