Apparently, a miracle happened in a Connecticut church.
Parishioners who attended a mass at the St. Thomas Catholic Churchin Thomaston, (United States) on March 5th reported that the hosts mysteriously multiplied that day.
Now the Archdiocese of Hartford is examining the case and considering whether to send the results to the Holy See in Rome. The information was confirmed by the Hartford Courant last week.
Specifically, on March 5, a parishioner reported that he noticed that the hosts of the mass multiplied in the pyx shortly after realizing that there were almost none in the container.
“God doubled in the ciborium”, argued the reverend and supervisor of the congregation, Joseph Crowley. “It’s really beautiful when God does these things, and it’s really beautiful when we realize what he has done.”
Details of the situation could be presented to the Holy See by the Archbishop of Hartford, Leonard Blairwho told the press that he should appoint a miracle priest to investigate the incident.
David Elliott, a spokesman for the archdiocese, told the Courant that “reports such as the alleged miracle of Thomaston require referral to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome.” It is worth clarifying that the dicastery is a dicastery whose objective is to defend the Catholic Church from heresy.
“The archdiocese has proceeded accordingly and will await a response in due course,” Elliott said.
Possible the miracle of the hosts?
Second michael o’neillan author nicknamed “The Miracle Hunter”, the church will have a hard time proving the alleged miracle.
“I would be very surprised if they could have enough evidence to declare it a true Eucharistic miracle. I suppose they have testimony from numerous people who could have said they saw something and realized this must be miraculous,” he told the Courant.
“So I guess they’re caught in the middle of not having hard evidence, but having a good testimony,” O’Neill added. “They are looking for guidance from the Vatican”.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.