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Batman Returns: The Awful Makeup Mistake Hardly Anyone Noticed

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You can see repeatedly mistakes in movies, whether it’s low-budget projects or million-dollar Hollywood. Is that filming sets are usually full of industry workers, moving from side to side so that everything goes as well as possible.

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It can also happen that the writers or directors change something on the fly, for a artistic matter.

A case of this type is that of Batman returns. The second film in the superhero saga, directed by the famous director Tim Burtonit was a complete success during its premiere and extended the good run it had with Batman (1989).

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Batman’s makeup mistake that few have noticed

The film, released in 1992, continues the line proposed in the first chapter, with Batman (Michael Keaton) grappling with two new enemies: catwoman -interpreted by Michael Pfeiffer– AND The Penguin (Danny DeVito).

The main mistake that can be noticed in the film occurs during the scene where Batman faces Catwoman And you reveals his face without mask. While at first glance there doesn’t seem to be any problem at that time, you can notice a face change by Bruce Wayne.

The makeup mistake in Batman Returns.

The makeup mistake in Batman Returns.

It’s just, when Michael Keaton’s character is talking to the bad guy, you can clearly see he has a black makeup which outlines her eyes, to make them appear the same color as her dress. But, when you get ready to remove the mask, that product He has gone.

Even when Batman reveals his face, he has no trace of the makeup. This slip has crossed the editorial islands and to this day can be seen in the final cut. As explained, the creators they preferred the character to show his full facewithout details.

Source: Clarin

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