THE fruits and vegetables They are large containers vitamins AND nutrients which help the body function properly. One of the most complete is the carrota vegetable that contains a wide variety of benefits for the body.
One of the qualities that has facilitated the expansion of this vegetable throughout the world is that it does not require great care or a particular type of soil; although it is more likely to grow in temperate climates and where there are no severe frosts.
Benefits of the carrot
The main advantages of carrots lie in the large amount of vitamins it has. First, the presence of Vitamin A It is good for the eyes, so consuming it frequently can help prevent eye diseases or infections.
In this sense, the carrot also has beta carotenewhich once in the body are transformed into vitamin A. A study conducted by a German university institute investigated the possibilities of this substance present in vegetables, and in its conclusions it claims that consuming carrot juice daily for 12 days reduces redness by 50% of the skin for the UV rays from sunlight.
On the other hand, carrot also has different characteristics antioxidants that delay cell damage. An analysis by Newcastle University in England alludes to the falcarinola component of the carrot that acts as a protection for the organism.
Carrots are a good source of C vitaminwhich serves to protect and develop the immune system, which helps the body to increase its defenses and prevent infections. In the digestive system, this vegetable also has benefits, as it has a large amount fiberwhich improves bowel movement and makes constipation difficult.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.