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The two foods that can be used to hide gray hair: how to exploit their benefits

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When the decision is to hide, tone or cover gray hair and recover the original hair colour, dyeing is not the only alternative available. Despite being the most popular and popular option, there are also natural tricks and compounds that can give good results or become an excellent emergency solution.

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Scientifically, as the note on the Panorama Hoy website explains, Hair color is determined by the amount of a substance called melanin that accumulates in it. The guideline is: the more melanin, the darker the hair.

Losing that substance they become white. This happens, according to the Cosmética Latam website, because over time the activity of melanocytes slows down until it stops.

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Ginger is used to tone gray hair.

Ginger is used to tone gray hair.

Additionally, there are genetic and stress-related factors that may play a role.

Natural recipe for toning gray hair

What is the natural alternative to hide them? The option proposed by Panorama Hoy takes advantage of the virtues of two well-known foods. One of them is the gingerwhich stands out for its vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory power.

As for the hair, this root gives a darker shade and increases blood circulation to the scalp, among other options.

The next ingredient is olive oil. Its effects: moisturizes and nourishes naturally.


Grate a ginger root and place it in a bowl of water over low heat. Stir the mixture and once it boils remove from heat. Leave to cool and filter.

Add a tablespoon of olive oil and put the mixture in a plastic container.


Divide your hair into sections. Apply from roots to ends so that the entire scalp is covered. Protect your head with a plastic cap. Leave for 40 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Source: Clarin

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