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Mhoni Vidente: the lucky numbers for each sign in the week of May 28 to June 2

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Like every Sunday, Mhoni Vidente, the Cuban astrologer who lives in Mexico, advanced the weekly horoscope for each of the signs of the zodiac through the Tarot cards.

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And in addition to the forecast he leaves us for the week of May 28 to June 2, he indicates other details such as what color will favor us, what will be the better day and what will be the Lucky numbers which will favor us during these days.

Seer Mhoni advances the lucky numbers for each sign.

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Seer Mhoni advances the lucky numbers for each sign.

Mhoni Vidente: the lucky numbers for each sign in the week of May 28 to June 2

  • ARIES: 01 and 18
  • TAURUS: 08 and 11
  • GEMINI: 02 and 21
  • CANCER: 04 and 19
  • LEO: 03 and 06
  • VIRGO: 14 and 28
  • LIBRA: 15 and 20
  • SCORPIO: 07 and 10
  • SAGITTARIUS: 13 and 29
  • CAPRICORN: 05 and 23
  • AQUARIUS: 17 and 09
  • FISH: 22 and 27
Each sign will have two lucky numbers this week.  Photo: Shutterstock

Each sign will have two lucky numbers this week. Photo: Shutterstock

Mhoni Vidente: Her Worrying Prediction About Shakira

Despite the intention to distance herself from the rumors and information about Piqué, the ironies and the alleged love stories, the well-known Cuban astrologer based in Mexico has launched a distressing “forecast” on the immediate future of famous Colombian singer.

“The Worst Is Coming”, Mhoni Vidente predicted about Shakirawho is going through a complex moment after the separation from ex-husband Gerard Piqué.

Apparently, everything has to do with the fact that Piqué would prepare a frank revenge.

In one of his appearances on The television heraldMhoni confided this Piqué is not satisfied with the child custody agreement. And so I would go for everything

“Legal issues are coming, the worst. Piqué, the father of her children, and the circle of them are going to sue Shakira to take the children away from him, because they say she wants to start a tour and she is not mother enough for them. How sad for Shakira,” explained Mhoni Vidente and reflected Time.

Shakira will have problems with Piqué for their children, Mhoni Vidente predicted.

Shakira will have problems with Piqué for their children, Mhoni Vidente predicted.

And he added: “Piqué will not leave, he pulls the plug on the songs that the Colombian has released. Piqué hadn’t realized what he was going to do children are missing“.

As if that weren’t enough, the astrologer claimed it they are doing witchcraft to Shakira. And, in his own words, Pique’s mother Madame Montserrat Bernabéu, would be behind.

“Shakira has to take care of herself critical situations with bad vibes. The one who is buried in the pantheon is Shakira, there are in-laws and mothers-in-law, for God’s sake. Shakira is sadly she suffers from a very strong witchcraft, which does not leave her alone“, commented.

And he explained: “The mother is putting ideas in Piqué so that he takes her children away from her, she does not want children because Clara Chía does not want them. The mother-in-law is telling her to fight the children, because she brought them from Spain, they are Spanish and she is not,” concluded Mhoni Vidente.

Mhoni Vidente: his prediction on the reign of Carlos III

According to Mhoni Vidente’s predictions, a great change in the English monarchy with the coronation of King Carlos III, El Tiempo spread.

These changes will take place in the Age of Taurus, a time of impulsiveness and decisiveness for the whole world.

In that line, Mhoni predicted how long King Carlos III will last on the throneand left a really chilling comment.

“It is the first time that a man so large, 72 years old, has reached the kingdom. And the letter from the Wizard tells us that it won’t last longThat he is insane, with mental or psychiatric problems in the reign of Carlos III”, launched to the amazement of his interlocutor by The Herald.

But the tarot reader has gone further. And this I risked Guillermo does not appear in the succession, but Harry does.

Source: Clarin

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