At least 288 people have died and more than 850 have been injured due to a incredible collision between three trains -two of them express- occurred in eastern India. This is the worst railway disaster in that country in the last 20 years.
The disaster happened in the past Friday night, near the town of Balasore in the state of Odisha. The sequence started with derailment of an express train who went from Bangalore to Calcutta, whose cars were they they were overturned on a parallel track.
A few minutes later, the wagons they were rammed by the Coromandal Express, a formation that ran from Calcutta to Chennai. Some of his cars -later- crashed into a freight train which was held up on an alternate route.
Saturday dawn allowed rescue teams verify the extent of the disaster. Odisha Fire Chief Sudhanshu Sarangi. Some cars were completely overturned and rescue teams searched for survivors trapped in the metal debris, while dozens of bodies they lay beside the tracks covered in white sheets.
“The train it stopped suddenly and there was a great noise. The cars behind us collided with the cars of another train on the opposite track (…) when we got off the train I saw lifeless bodies covered in blood on the tracks. I will never forget that image,” Jain, a survivor of the crash, told the Indian Express newspaper.
Chief Secretary of Odisha State Pradeep Jena further confirmed that “about 850 wounded they were sent to hospitals.” Because the number exceeded the available ambulances, many of them they were transported by bus.
train accidents they are common in Indiawhich has one of largest railway networks in the world. The country has experienced several such incidents in the past, but this catastrophe is considered to be the largest since the 1990s.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.