Home World News Eclipse 2022: Several types of solar eclipses exist

Eclipse 2022: Several types of solar eclipses exist

Eclipse 2022: Several types of solar eclipses exist

Eclipse 2022: Several types of solar eclipses exist

Eclipse 2022: Several types of solar eclipses exist. Photo illustration: Shutterstock

Ang solar eclipse this April 30 gives the initial kick to eclipse period 2022.

Fans of this type astronomical phenomenayou can enjoy it live and direct (with varying intensity) in southern South America, Antarctica and the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, before and at sunset, as reported by the site Time and Date.

In this case, it would be a partial solar eclipse.

This April 30 we will witness a solar eclipse.  Photo: Shutterstock.

This April 30 we will witness a solar eclipse. Photo: Shutterstock.

How many types of eclipses are there?

On our planet, we can experience two types of eclipse: solar eclipses and lunar eclipses.

An solar eclipse occurs when our natural satellite, the Moon, blocks the light of the Sun and casts its shadow on the Earth. That means that during the day, the Moon moves in front of the Sun and it will get dark.

Although in lunar eclipse Earth, Sun and Moon are also involved, the difference depends on how they are arranged. In a lunar eclipseang The Earth is placed between the Sun and the Moon; in a solar eclipseIt is the Moon that stands between the Earth and the Sun.

There are three types of solar eclipse.  Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

There are three types of solar eclipse. Photo illustration: Shutterstock.

Eclipse 2022: what are the different types of solar eclipse

In turn, solar eclipses can be varied on three different typeswhich depends on the distance between the Moon and the Sun. In total, they can take two hours, but the highest point usually does not exceed eight minutes.

An total solar eclipse This occurs when the three stars – the Sun, the Moon (whose orbital plane does not coincide with our planet) and the Earth – are fully aligned and the Moon completely hides the Sun’s disk. It happens approximately every 18 months somewhere on Earth.

An partial solar eclipse, in part, occurs when the Moon is not completely covered by the Sun and occurs at least twice a year also in some regions of the planet. A bright crescent can be seen.

An annular solar eclipse or “Ring of Fire” occurs when the Moon is close to its apogee and its angular diameter is less than that of the solar, so that a ring of the Sun’s disk remains visible at its highest point.

Eclipse 2022: what are the different types of lunar eclipse

Ang lunar eclipses They could partials (only a part of the Moon is hidden); totals (when the entire lunar surface enters the terrestrial shadow cone) and penumbral (when the Moon enters the penumbral cone of the Earth).

Lunar eclipses can be seen from anywhere on the planet where night.  Photo: REUTERS

Lunar eclipses can be seen from anywhere on the planet where night. Photo: REUTERS

not like solar eclipseswhich is only visible from a relatively small part of the Earth and lasts a few minutes, lunar eclipses They can be seen from any part of our planet at night and last for several hours at the top of our satellite.

Source: Clarin


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